Find microcontroller for CNC machine

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Newbie level 4
Sep 26, 2005
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microcontroller cnc

I am research to make a CNC vertical milling machine. This machine have 4 servo motor at least with large torque. Could you please introduce me what kind is microcontroller to control.

atmega cnc

First microcontroller cnc machine use intel 8085 chip(siemens).Now generaly use DSP for g code computing and converting for servo
Beacuse G code compiling is very difficulty and knows good aritmatic .
Now all ac servo drivers also use DSP chips.


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gcode microcontroller

Check INFINEON TriCore or some ARM chips from PHILIPS.


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microcontroller for cnc

Now, What is Microcontroller that manufacturer usually use to develop their product? Please give me more information to chose?

I heard Intel 8085 MCU is quite old, I don't know that Intel still produce it or not, So, there are any change to buy new 8085?

What is different between 8085 and 8080 or 8086 that is in microcomputer's CPU in first age?

Added after 45 minutes:

There were multiple versions of Intel 8085 processor: original 8085, 8085A with bug fixes and 8085AH HMOS version. Some second-source manufactures also produced CMOS version of the 8085 microprocessor - 80C85. The 8085 was produced at speeds ranging from 3 MHz to 6 MHz. 40 pins.

AMD, Mitsubishi, NEC, OKI, Siemens, Toshiba. Soviet Union also manufactured clones of Intel 8085 CPU.

So, all 8085 is same?

microcontrollers in cnc

All the chips have the same 8085 core, i think that the difference is in the peripherials that are embedded in the chips. But i personally think that 8085 is too old and too underpowered for such a task, to control a CNC machine. I was involved once in a design of a simple "CNC like" machine. The uC was ATMEL ATMega16. The uC was taking information from a PC and then it just controls two electric motors via full bridge circuits and two pulse coders. But for a "real" stand alone CNC i think that a 32bit ARM based controller can do the task. Something like LPC21xx series from PHILIPS maybe....

microcontroler cnc

I also think that 32 bits microprocessor is just enough for industrial application. 8/16 bits as 8085 is not enough,
Thank CM600.

How about PIC, other MCU?

cnc atmega

dsPIC maybe.

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