Final Year Project in Electronics and Communication

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Hrithik Reddy

Newbie level 5
Jun 13, 2013
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Hello Friends,

My 8th semester has just started and we are in a big dilemma on our final year project (electronics & communication domain). So I would like some advice on project ideas. Please share all the links and websites you guys know. Hoping a reply very soon.

Thank you.

I need websites which can guide me from scratch. I know that there are lacs of projects available on google.

I need websites which can guide me from scratch.

with out knowing your interest and knowledge how can some one guide you.I mean which way you want to go.Do project in which mcu ,which controller you know,want to use DSP ,want to do GSM,wireless,Bluetooth so many topics to do project.Please provide us some input of your choice and interest to help you.

I need websites which can guide me from scratch. I know that there are lacs of projects available on google.
So are you saying you want a website that gives you a step by step procedure to build a project from start to finish. Sort of like a lab manual for an experiment you have to run?

The whole point of doing projects is so you learn how to design something without having to have a step-by-step follow along manual telling you how to do each step of the process. If you don't learn how to design without resorting to such a manual then you'll end up being an unemployed engineer.

I guarantee an employer won't be giving you a step-by-step procedure to design their next generation widget (if they had that manual they would have already designed the widget and wouldn't even need to hire you!)
So i have finally chosen my project idea, "convolution coding and its implementation in FPGA". I know you guys are experts in your field so i would like some quality and not some lame suggestions like "search in google for more ideas" etc etc. I just need a launchpad where i can start the project on a positive mindset.

I did my final year projects in Chennai at PLC Technologies with 6 months internship in Chennai. I did my project in Embedded technology on Industrial electronics domain. There I got real time working experience by working in live projects. Very good tutors and Infra structure. For More details You can Visit:

Steps for a good outcome
1. Write a model of the algorithm in C or Matlab.
2. Now write the algorithm in VHDL or Verilog.
3. Write a testbench to run the same test vectors as you did through your model.
4. Compare results. Go back to step 2 until the results match
5. Synthesise the design and interface it to a PC. Go back to step 2 if it doesnt synthesise or meet timing.
6. Download onto FPGA.
7. Repeat tests with same test vectors again. Go back to step 2 if data gets lost or wrong or something.
8. Write project report.

This is the standard methodology for any well designed and executed projects. Good luck

what does the convolution do?? Convolution is a great start specially implementing it on a fpga. as trickydicky mentioned try to code the algorithm using a software and then on to a hardware and u get a comparison of both the results and can evaluate both the results performances.

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