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final Project for my study

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Newbie level 6
Newbie level 6
May 18, 2011
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Hello everybody,
I'm a student and i have like topic, Acces Method CDMA used in RFID System. Theory side, i can understand the concept, but Simulation side , i dont know how am i going to simulate, and i wanna use Matlab. Can anyone help me to give books, or link for this topic or give an idea about simulating CDMA+RFID under Matlab. Thanks in advance

Please! can anyone help me, about similating cdma + rfid in Matlab, or just link or books which deal this subject ....Please help me :oops::oops:

or books and link related of this topic please

Hi Mate,

Ok let's work on your project a little bit. Now as I understood from your post: You want CDMA for RFID transmission. Is that correct? If yes then you can start with CDMA transmitter and receiver design. The code for CDMA implementation in Matlab is available on internet. You can search on Matlab Central website which is very good web resource for good Matlab piece of codes. However, for RFID part you need to do some coding by yourself. Let me know if this is the way you want to proceed with your project so that I can further help you.


Hi Mate,

Ok let's work on your project a little bit. Now as I understood from your post: You want CDMA for RFID transmission. Is that correct? If yes then you can start with CDMA transmitter and receiver design. The code for CDMA implementation in Matlab is available on internet. You can search on Matlab Central website which is very good web resource for good Matlab piece of codes. However, for RFID part you need to do some coding by yourself. Let me know if this is the way you want to proceed with your project so that I can further help you.


Thanks for your reply,
You want CDMA for RFID transmission. Is that correct?
: Yes that's true
Let me know if this is the way you want to proceed with your project so that I can further help you.
But really, I understand the concept ,but I dont have documents to evaluate my equation so that i can simulate the system CDMA\RFID

---------- Post added at 12:45 ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 ----------

check this
**broken link removed**
Thanks for your help but this link is not valid........

Hi ckshivaram

The link does not work for me. What was in the link by the way? Did you have a look of the pdf file in the link?


---------- Post added at 12:49 ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 ----------

well i do not think you will find some document as this is your own project. However you can find material on CDMA and RFID separately and you can make a system in Simulink to verify your project. I think going with simulink will be a good idea.

Ok, thanks for your answer, firstly, I m going to try to study CDMA , then RFID, and I m going to try to simulate it in Simulink , I also think Simulink is the good solution because i want also to demonstrate the architecture of the system, but however , may be, if i have problems, i come back here to ask some help...
NB : If there are suggestion or ideas to complete my project, you can put it here, and thanks in advance:grin:

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