FBUS Power turn-off ,turn-ON command?

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Advanced Member level 4
May 17, 2002
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fbus ff destination byte


What is this commands for nokia 3310?


f-bus message types

Nokia3310 doesn't have turn on command! For example, Nokia3210 has an extra pin for this!

sequence number + fbus

i think it has
have you ever see the Flashing device ??(UFS,Griffin,ect)
they can Power off/on/reset the phone using Cable
to unlock the phone/repair it

1e ff fbus

If you want to flash the 3310, you have to press the power on button!

fbus acknowledgement

this was for old device ))
Like Dejan's Flasher DCT3

look for New ones

nokia 6110 serial protocol

if you know any command (FBUS) for nokia 3310 and other nokia phones please upload it.

I want to control the nokia from FBUS.(on/off)

fbus packet format

Nokia 6110 Serial Protocol

Here are some of the details that I've observed while monitoring the protocol Nokia Cellular Data Suite uses to talk over a serial cable to the 6110. The information is fairly sketchy at the moment with lots of gaps, especially in the basic frame format. It is, however, a start.

Snooping was performed over a wired connection. It is assumed that if infra red is used that much the same data is sent, but it may be wrapped up in a low level IrDA format.

Serial Communication

Speed: 115.2 kbps
Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stopbits: 1
Unlike the 21xx series and Nokia Cellularware, data is sent over the FBUS which has both Rx and Tx lines.

Basic Packet Format

In a similar manner to the 21xx protocol. Packets sent from the 'phone must be acknowledged by the PC via a special packet and vice versa.

Most communication takes the form of:

    * PC sends some type of "request" or command packet
    * 6110 sends an acknowledgement
    * 6110 sends some response to the request packet
    * PC sends acknowledgment 

Format of packets from PC:
|1e|00|0c|type|00|len|...body...|n|sq|0?|   chk   |  

type:  some indication of message type: 
       ( 1, 2, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14, 64 seen)
len:   length in bytes from following byte to sq inclusive
n:     if this packet is part of a group (i.e. long sms) indicates
       how many more messages, including this one, there are
sq:    packet sequence number,
       least significant nibble: incremented in range 0..7 for each 
                                 new packet
       most significant nibble: ? seems to be normally 4, but appears
                                to be 0 if this is not the first packet
                                in a group. 6 has also been seen 
0?:    0x00, only included if len is odd
chk:   16 bit xor of all preceding 16 bit words

Format of ack from PC:
|1e|00|0c|7f|00|len|type|sq|   chk   |  

type:  corresponds to original message type
len:   length in bytes, always 2
sq:    last 3 bits indicate sequence number of packet being
       acknowledged, most significant nibble is normally 0, 
       8 for sequence error?
chk:   16 bit xor of all preceding 16 bit words.

Format of packets from 6110:
|1e|0c|00|type|00|len|...body...|n|sq|0?|   chk   |  

type:  some indication of message type
       (1, 2, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14, 64 observed)
len:   length in bytes from following byte to id inclusive
n:     if this message is part of a group (i.e. long sms) indicates
       how many more messages, including this one, there are
sq:    packet sequence number,
       least significant nibble: incremented in range 0..7 for each 
                                 new packet
       most significant nibble: ? seems to be 4 normally, but appears
                                to be 0 if this is not the first packet
                                in a group. 6 has also been seen 
0?:    00, only included if len is odd
chk:   16 bit xor of all preceding 16 bit words.

Format of ack from 6110:
|1e|0c|00|7f|00|len|type|sq|   chk   |  

type:  corresponds to original message type
len:   length in bytes, always 02 
sq:    last 3 bits indicate sequence number of packet being
       acknowledged, most significant nibble is normally 0, 
       8 for sequence error?
chk:   16 bit xor of all preceding 16 bit words.

Format of SMS-SUBMIT from PC:

Referring to GSM 03.40 will make the following fields
clearer. It should be noted that the format of the data
in this packet is different to the SMS-SUBMIT TPDU. The fields
are, however, the same. GSM 03.38 shows how the message itself
is packed. This packet format is only valid as long as len < 0x41
if the message length would force the packet to be longer then the
message is split across multiple packets. I'll post that 
information shortly.

|ml|dl|dt|...da...|..vp..|...msg...|01|sq|0?|  chk  |

len:  packet length from following byte to sq inclusive
sl:   SMSC number len in octets including st
st:   SMSC number type e.g. 0x81-unknown 0x91-international 0xa1-national
sca:  SMSC number. This is packed in BCD format ie. 2 digits per octet
      it is a 10 byte field whether the number is 20 digits or not.
fo:   first octet of TPDU, holds flas such as validity period format
pi:   pid, protocol id
dc:   dcs, data coding scheme
ml:   message length in 7 bit chars
dl:   destination address (da) length in used semi-octets,
dt:   da type eg. 81-unknown 91-international a1-national
da:   destination number packed as BCD ie. 2 digits per octet
      this is a 10 byte field. Unused octets can sometimes hold
vp:   validity period (1 integer byte or 7 octets - vpf) 7 byte field 
msg:  7 bit chars packed into bytes (see GSM 03.38)
sq:   packet sequence number,
      least significant nibble: incremented in range 0..7 for each 
                                 new packet
      most significant nibble: ? seems to be 4 normally, but appears
                               to be 0 if this is not the first packet
                               in a group. 6 has also been seen
0?:   pad bye, only present if len is odd
chk:  6 bit xor of all preceding 16 bit words.


SMS sent to 987654321 via SMSC 12345678. First octet of TPDU
(fo) = 0x11, Validity Period (vp) = 0xa7, 
Data Coding Scheme (dcs) = 0 and Protocol Identifier (pid) = 0.
Message reads "hello" - 0xe8 0x32 0x9b 0xfd 0x06 in packed format:

1e 00 0c 02 00 31 00 01 00 01 02 00 06 81 21 43 65 87 f9 63 a8 00 00
00 11 00 00 00 05 09 81 89 67 45 23 f1 b8 81 20 15 63 a7 00 00 00 00 
00 00 e8 32 9b fd 06 01 44 00

Phonebook Packet Format

In the following descriptions, ME = mobile equipment (i.e. the phone or it's memory) and SM = sim card.

PC reading phonebook entry:

st:   storage type e.g. 02-ME 03-SM etc.
ix:   index

e.g. to read location with index 1 from the sim: 
1e 00 0c 03 00 09 00 01 00 01 03 01 00 01 46 00 57 0a 

6110 responding to a phonebook read:

tl:   name text length
text: entry name text in ASCII
nl:	 number len (in digits)
num:  number in ASCII

e.g. response to reading sim location 1 containing 
    "Action Line", 0345888444:
1e 0c 00 03 00 20 01 08 00 02 00 0b 41 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 4c 69 6e 65
0a 30 33 34 35 38 38 38 34 34 34 05 00 01 44 5d 18 

Reading empty location 1 from the phone returns (as expected):
1e 0c 00 03 00 0b 01 08 00 02 00 00 00 05 00 01 47 00 58 0a 
i.e. text and number lengths are 0 and there are no actual text
     or number fields

PC writing a phonebook entry:

st:   storage type 02-ME 03-SM etc.
ix:   index
tl:   name text length
text: entry name text in ASCII
nl:	 number len (in digits)
num:  number in ASCII

e.g. writing an entry "Test", 1234 to location index 2 to the phone memory: 
1e 00 0c 03 00 13 00 01 00 04 02 02 04 54 65 73 74 04 31 32 33 34 ff 01 47 00 bf 33 

6110 responding to phonebook write:

1e 0c 00 03 00 06 01 08 00 05 01 46 1e 42 
                           ^^-indicates success?
Failure due to index being out of range:
1e 0c 00 03 00 07 01 08 00 06 74 01 43 00 28 07 
       indicates failure---^^ ^^--indicates reason?

PC requesting storage parameters:

st:   storage type

e.g. requesting parameters for the sim card:
1e 00 0c 03 00 07 00 01 00 07 03 01 43 00 52 03 

6110 responding with storage parameters:

st:   storage type
fr:   number of free locations
us:   number of used locations

e.g. responding for the sim storage which has 90 locations
     59 of which are used:
1e 0c 00 03 00 09 01 08 00 08 03 1f 3b 01 43 00 64 18

BTW why you don't Try to Spy a Nokia Software (logomanager)??

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