Fail to link the disign

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Newbie level 4
Oct 4, 2016
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I'm using ISE xilinx design 14.1 at windows 10 and i have the following problem. When I want to simulate the program with a testbench, it throws an error that says: fail to link the design. I've tried to delete collect2.exe as some forum says, but it still don't work. Someone who can help me?

Any reason you're not using ISE 14.7?
Also, I dont think ISE officially supports windows 10 - can you try windows 7 or linux (maybe in the VM?)?

I'm using 14,1 version because at my university we are using a FPGA that is only compatible with ISE 14,1

I'm using 14,1 version because at my university we are using a FPGA that is only compatible with ISE 14,1

Sorry, but the device list is identical between the two ISE versions:
Page 15: ISE 14.1
Page 8: ISE14.7

On the previous page the supported OS(s) for both verisons are:
Microsoft Windows Support
• Windows XP Professional (32-bit and 64-bit), English/Japanese
• Windows 7 Professional (32-bit and 64-bit), English/Japanese
• Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)
Linux Support
• Red Hat Enterprise Workstation 5 (32-bit and 64-bit)
• Red Hat Enterprise Workstation 6 (32-bit and 64-bit)
• SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 (32-bit and 64-bit)

So use ISE 14.7 unless your device compatibility problem is due to licensed vs webpack tool versions, then your out of luck unless your university upgrades their license.
Also as Tricky suggested try a SUSE or Red Hat Linux VM on your Win10 machine that should allow it to run on the correct supported OS.

You might also want to provide the exact messages (log/transcript) of the compilation process, might be something else that is causing your problem that is way further up in the compilation.
In internet you can find fix how to fix ISE 14.7 for Win8 and try do the same on Win10.

Yes, something similar I've read at a forum but my professor says that we have to use 14,1 version because this is the version we have in our labs

I've tried a lot of thing, I'm using this forum as a last resource

You can try ISE 14.7 on your own PC, develop your code and test on ISE 14.1 of your lab. It will probably work. I doubt you professor will complain, and even if he does, I think it's worth the risk, because the alternative is to present nothing.

If you still cannot install ISE 14.7 on you PC, you can try to install it on a Virtual Machine (VMware or Virtualbox, for example) with Linux or Windows 7 (if you have the license). Other option is to install a dual-boot Linux, and get the Linux ISE.

A Virtual Machine with ISE is not the best solution, and I would not recommend it in professional environments, but for a class it should be enough. Remember to reserve lot of RAM for your virtual machine if you chose this path.

You might also want to provide the exact messages (log/transcript) of the compilation process, might be something else that is causing your problem that is way further up in the compilation.

You still haven't supplied the above information in case the problem is not the Windows version.

Yes, something similar I've read at a forum but my professor says that we have to use 14,1 version because this is the version we have in our labs

Show the error to your professor - get him to provide technical support for you.
If he tells you its a problem with your code - find a new professor.

Here you have:

Started : "Simulate Behavioral Model".

Determining files marked for global include in the design...
Running fuse...
Command Line: fuse -intstyle ise -incremental -o {C:/Users/C95-MS/Xilinx/ISE workspace/Practica1A/tb_sumador_isim_beh.exe} -prj {C:/Users/C95-MS/Xilinx/ISE workspace/Practica1A/tb_sumador_beh.prj} work.tb_sumador {}
Running: C:\Xilinx\14.1\ISE_DS\ISE\bin\nt\unwrapped\fuse.exe -intstyle ise -incremental -o C:/Users/C95-MS/Xilinx/ISE workspace/Practica1A/tb_sumador_isim_beh.exe -prj C:/Users/C95-MS/Xilinx/ISE workspace/Practica1A/tb_sumador_beh.prj work.tb_sumador
ISim P.15xf (signature 0x2f00eba5)
Number of CPUs detected in this system: 4
Turning on mult-threading, number of parallel sub-compilation jobs: 8
Determining compilation order of HDL files
Parsing VHDL file "C:/Users/C95-MS/Xilinx/ISE workspace/Practica1A/Sumador.vhd" into library work
Parsing VHDL file "C:/Users/C95-MS/Xilinx/ISE workspace/Practica1A/testbench1A.vhd" into library work
Starting static elaboration
Completed static elaboration
Fuse Memory Usage: 156728 KB
Fuse CPU Usage: 281 ms
Compiling package standard
Compiling package std_logic_1164
Compiling package numeric_std
Compiling package textio
Compiling architecture rtl of entity sumador [sumador_default]
Compiling architecture beh of entity tb_sumador
Time Resolution for simulation is 1ps.
Waiting for 1 sub-compilation(s) to finish...
ERROR:Simulator:861 - Failed to link the design

Process "Simulate Behavioral Model" failed

- - - Updated - - -

Practica1A is the name of the project.

How about trying to disable -incremental and deleting the work directory that contains the compiled code. You might be experiencing a problem with an old complied file causing a problem. Start with a clean compile of the code.

But I think you are more likely running into the incompatibility problems with ISE and Win8/10 the collect2 fix probably no longer works with win 10. From the link it appears reading through it that the only people who have had any success running fuse on a win8 machine are those that are using a 64-bit version of the OS and are using the 64-bit version of ISE. Are you on a 32-bit version of win10 (a win7 upgrade)?

I really think you should just either dual boot (a pain) or just install a VM of one of the supported Linux versions and allocate as much RAM as possible to the VM (hopefully you have a 12GB machine, out of luck with a VM if you are on win10 32-bit) and run it in a VM with at least 4GB of memory. As long as you aren't using a huge V6 part then you should be fine with 4GB as all the webpack parts are small enough to not require more than 4GB of memory, I'm leaving the OS with 8GB because I'm not so sure that win10 will run well with less than 8GB, my 16GB machine runs with at least 6GB used from boot up.

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