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Example source code for Virtual Serial Port device driver

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virtual serial driver source code

I'm looking for an example source code to make a virtual serial port device driver on Windows & Linux. This will be used for a USB <-> RS232 converter.

Please let me know where i could find it

com port driver example source code

but do you want the device too appear as a driver driven usb device

or simply too derive 115k constant stream as a max

.... if you need a device that translates and recodes too the correct

stlyle then you need an api for a usb device and mirror its kernal
this always addears too a standard set of calls and returns

so you need usb2 spec and other means any other way

it is better too use a dedicated controller

you can find info by typing into google
usb2 controllers -- device drivers + api
youll find heeps of ready made chips that give an output serial ports

as premade e chips

you can then call it as a device using the chips driver {usually supplied}
be more specific

code is

as long as .... exp

so the best is too give more information as per your request

serial port device driver source code

Thank you very much, !!!MONEY!!!

I'm making my own low speed USB device and I want user could use it easily via serial port. So, I will try to find the way to make a driver as your recommend.

For me, a USB driver is not so difficult. But making a virtual serial port driver is not easy for me.

Thank again for your kindly advice.

virtual serial com driver source code


There is something called POSUSB
(COM port interface for USB Point-of-Sale devices) (made by MS in 1999)

not available in any MS site now...
You have to do google/google groups search....

maybe someone will have that file


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