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Event which takes place after one year in microcontroller

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Full Member level 2
Full Member level 2
Aug 9, 2005
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India the Great
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Hi All,
I am using PIC microcontroller for certain design with I2C RTC interface. SOme event will take place after one year. Microcontroller will do certain operation after one year is over. I tuned the crystal and did certain compensation for the frequency correction. How can I know the micon do the operation will do the event which will be taking place after one year or not ?. Is there any mechanism like accelerated testing ?
Advance Thanx.

what if u place a piece of code in that event routine which turns on certain Pin on any PORT. and then simulate this program in MPLAB SIM, and set significantly increase crystal frequency in Debug menu? and dont forget to set maximum buffer size on same window, check it... maybe it will help, but i am not sure about one year..

Re: Event which takes place after one year in microcontrolle

Change the contents of the counters you use to get the 1-year delay.
Test at all rollover points to be sure.

No matter how carefully you calibrate there's a good chance it will drift over the course of a year. How are you powering it?

Re: Event which takes place after one year in microcontrolle

Interesting point there. Hey, what about those RTC chips? Are they accurate?

It all depends on what you define as accurate. Read this for more info **broken link removed**

If I was trying to do the the OP was working on I'd just use the DS3231 as it's accurate, simple, and has an alarm output that can be set for one a year if desired.

Re: Event which takes place after one year in microcontrolle

vamanan said:
Hi All,
I am using PIC microcontroller for certain design with I2C RTC interface. SOme event will take place after one year. Microcontroller will do certain operation after one year is over. I tuned the crystal and did certain compensation for the frequency correction. How can I know the micon do the operation will do the event which will be taking place after one year or not ?. Is there any mechanism like accelerated testing ?
Advance Thanx.

Replace RTC crystal with higher frequency, say Mhz range, so one year will occur in minutes, you will now know if that event will take place after one year.

Re: Event which takes place after one year in microcontrolle

penoy_balut said:
Replace RTC crystal with higher frequency, say Mhz range, so one year will occur in minutes, you will now know if that event will take place after one year.

I don't think it's possible by changing crystel with one higher range. because RTC is using I2C to communicate with an external device and I2C communication is strictly frequency related. am i right?

Re: Event which takes place after one year in microcontrolle

creative_35,,, Yes you are very right that RTC frequency can not be increase at the number level or can not be so increase that it brings an event of a year in just few minutes. the only way i think is to change the coding containts.


It's the master that initiates and clocks communication in I2C not the RTC, changing crystal frequency has no effect on I2C.

Another option would be to set your time and date several hours or minutes before that programmed event.

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