Ethernt to USB Adapter Using FPGA

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Newbie level 3
May 29, 2014
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Hi guys,
I am a beginner and I want to build an Ethernet to USB adapter using one
of the following FPGA development boards:

1-ZYBO Zynq™-7000 Development Board

2-Nexys™3 Spartan-6 FPGA Board

3-LatticeECP3 Versa Development Kit
(**broken link removed**...)

4-SmartFusion2 Evaluation Kit

Could I use any of these development boards for my project?

I believe my VHDL code should consist of two parts:
A - a VHDL code for Ethernet controller including the MAC protocol
B - a code to communicate with a PC via USB port (PC needs to recognize
the FPGA as an internet modem)

Is it possible to find these two codes from a website and then simply
combine them to get an Ethernet-to-USB adapter?

Thank you for your help.

Is it possible to find these two codes from a website and then simply
combine them to get an Ethernet-to-USB adapter?
Maybe. But even if you would it - you'll have to do a lot of tuning and add (a lot of) glue logic. It's never a plug & play process...

This is certainly not a beginner's project.
Anyways, I think you should go with the Nexys 3 or the Zybo.

As shaiko states it's not a beginners project.

Using the Zybo will give you a Dual ARM Cortex A9 processor that has hardcore USB and TriMode Ethernet MACs you can use along with the readily available protocol stacks for both USB and Ethernet. You don't want to implement the upper layers in an HDL in the FPGA fabric.

The SmartFusion has a hardcore ARM Cortex M3 and also has hardcores for HS USB and TriMode Ethernet MAC.

Either of these boards will save you having to implement IP cores for the physical controller interfaces to both the USB and the MAC.


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