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hi all,
im trying to build a stopper using vhdl, modelsim and quartus.
i wrote the vhdl code and tried it on modelsim and everything was just fine, the compilation and sim were good, as i expected.
when i tried to compile it on quartus it gave me errors. im trying to understand how to fix it for more than 5 hours. please help me.
the errors are:
and the code:
im a novice with vhdl so i would appreciate any help. thanks
im trying to build a stopper using vhdl, modelsim and quartus.
i wrote the vhdl code and tried it on modelsim and everything was just fine, the compilation and sim were good, as i expected.
when i tried to compile it on quartus it gave me errors. im trying to understand how to fix it for more than 5 hours. please help me.
the errors are:
Info: *******************************************************************
Info: Running Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis
Info: Version 7.1 Build 178 06/25/2007 Service Pack 1 SJ Web Edition
Info: Processing started: Sun Dec 23 22:11:21 2012
Info: Command: quartus_map --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off stopper_new -c stopper_new
Info: Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file stopper.vhd
Info: Found design unit 1: STOPPER-arc_stopper
Info: Found entity 1: STOPPER
Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file timer.bdf
Info: Found entity 1: timer
Info: Elaborating entity "timer" for the top level hierarchy
Warning: Using design file hexss.vhd, which is not specified as a design file for the current project, but contains definitions for 2 design units and 1 entities in project
Info: Found design unit 1: hexss-arc_hexss
Info: Found entity 1: hexss
Info: Elaborating entity "hexss" for hierarchy "hexss:inst2"
Info: Elaborating entity "STOPPER" for hierarchy "STOPPER:inst"
Warning (10492): VHDL Process Statement warning at stopper.vhd(70): signal "cnt_sec" is read inside the Process Statement but isn't in the Process Statement's sensitivity list
Warning (10492): VHDL Process Statement warning at stopper.vhd(71): signal "cnt_sec" is read inside the Process Statement but isn't in the Process Statement's sensitivity list
Warning (10492): VHDL Process Statement warning at stopper.vhd(72): signal "sec" is read inside the Process Statement but isn't in the Process Statement's sensitivity list
Warning (10492): VHDL Process Statement warning at stopper.vhd(73): signal "sec" is read inside the Process Statement but isn't in the Process Statement's sensitivity list
Warning (10492): VHDL Process Statement warning at stopper.vhd(74): signal "min" is read inside the Process Statement but isn't in the Process Statement's sensitivity list
Warning (10492): VHDL Process Statement warning at stopper.vhd(75): signal "min" is read inside the Process Statement but isn't in the Process Statement's sensitivity list
Warning (10631): VHDL Process Statement warning at stopper.vhd(25): inferring latch(es) for signal or variable "flag", which holds its previous value in one or more paths through the process
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[0]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[0]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[1]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[1]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[2]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[2]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[3]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[3]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[4]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[4]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[5]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[5]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[6]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[6]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[7]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[7]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[8]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[8]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[9]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[9]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[10]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[10]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[11]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[11]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[12]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[12]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[13]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[13]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[14]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[14]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[15]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[15]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[16]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[16]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[17]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[17]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error (10818): Can't infer register for "min[18]" at stopper.vhd(49) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge
Info (10041): Inferred latch for "min[18]" at stopper.vhd(25)
Error: Can't elaborate user hierarchy "STOPPER:inst"
Error: Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis was unsuccessful. 20 errors, 8 warnings
Info: Allocated 199 megabytes of memory during processing
Error: Processing ended: Sun Dec 23 22:11:22 2012
Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:01
Error: Quartus II Full Compilation was unsuccessful. 20 errors, 8 warnings
and the code:
library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
entity STOPPER is
port(CLK, resetN, startN, stopN : in std_logic;
CNTSEC_units : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
CNTSEC_tens : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
SECOND_units : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
SECOND_tens : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
MINUTE_units : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
MINUTE_tens : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0)
architecture arc_stopper of STOPPER is
signal cnt_sec : integer := 0;
signal sec : integer := 0;
signal min : integer := 0;
signal Degel : std_logic;
process(CLK, resetN, stopN, startN)
variable flag : integer := 0;
variable cnt_sec_units : integer := 0;
variable cnt_sec_tens : integer := 0;
variable sec_units : integer := 0;
variable sec_tens : integer := 0;
variable min_units : integer := 0;
variable min_tens : integer := 0;
if resetN = '0' then
cnt_sec <= 0;
sec <= 0;
min <= 0;
flag := 1;
elsif stopN = '0' then
flag := 1;
elsif startN = '0' then
flag := 0;
end if;
if rising_edge(CLK) then
if Degel='1' then
if flag = 0 then
if cnt_sec/=99 then
cnt_sec <= cnt_sec + 1;
else --cnt_sec=99
if sec/=59 then
sec <= sec + 1;
elsif min/=59 then --sec=59
min <= min + 1;
sec <= 0;
else --sec=59 and min=59
min <= 0;
sec <= 0;
end if;
cnt_sec <= 0;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
cnt_sec_units := cnt_sec mod 10;
cnt_sec_tens := cnt_sec / 10;
sec_units := sec mod 10;
sec_tens := sec / 10;
min_units := min mod 10;
min_tens := min / 10;
CNTSEC_units <= conv_std_logic_vector(cnt_sec_units, 4);
CNTSEC_tens <= conv_std_logic_vector(cnt_sec_tens, 4);
SECOND_units <= conv_std_logic_vector(sec_units, 4);
SECOND_tens <= conv_std_logic_vector(sec_tens, 4);
MINUTE_units <= conv_std_logic_vector(min_units, 4);
MINUTE_tens <= conv_std_logic_vector(min_tens, 4);
end process;
process (CLK) --CLK process
variable time : integer range 0 to 500001 := 0;
constant sec : integer := 5;
if rising_edge(CLK) then
time := time + 1;
if (time = sec) then
Degel <= '1';
Degel <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end arc_stopper;
im a novice with vhdl so i would appreciate any help. thanks