error information of HFSS

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Advanced Member level 4
Dec 14, 2006
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"Recovering discrete solution, process abc3d died unexpectedly"
This error jumped several mins after it started calculating and it seemed the system had already finished a few "passes".
What's more strange is the simulation went well in my classmate's computer--but i cannot get his software immediately.
p.s This HFSS modal was imported with a .SAT converted by a CST .mod, namely, the modal was originally made in CST.

Well, I met this kind of errors several times. It's unfortunately very hard to estimate what the real problem is.

Let me suggest you to add a "surface approximation" to the circular/cylindrical/spherical objects. This is how I overcame a "Recovering discrete solution" situation...

Let me know the result

Thank you for your reply!
I'm studying on the help file to see what "surface approximation" is and try to fix it .
But don't you feel it extramely strange that it performed differently in different PCs?
I'll inform you as soon as i get the latest news and hope to continue the discussion.
Thank you!

I changed the "Maximum Aspect Ratio" in the "surface approximation" and it did give me the result after about one and a half day(30+ hours), though the result is a bit different from my expectation and needed to be further studied.
But what i'm wondering is, there are only 4 small vias which are of cylindrical shape and they should not have had such a great influence on the simulation.
In addition, the "maximum aspect ratio" was changed to be 3, other than the default 10 and it added a lot of simulation duration. How could i determine this value more proparly?

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