Engineering Master Degree

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Full Member level 5
Sep 1, 2011
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Hi all,
I would like to know which field you guys taken for engineering master degree ?
Mind to share some stories ?


i don't get your question
what r u taking about degree or masters degree?

or you wanna say masters in engineering ???
if yes then mention your major subjects in engineering .

master degree in engineering field.

I'm taking e&e engineering degree.
mostly dealing with electronics / programming.

so right now you working in industry field ?

I have master degree with optical metrology ( instrumentation) by research and I am working for display ( Video Processing) company for last five is choice that one need to make if they want to do the PhD of work in industry ....

Good Luck

So are you now taking PhD ?

no i may do the Ph.D. but externally.....I am enjoying working in industry

i just complete my bachelors and doing job in a cellular company

Do you enjoy working with your applied knowledge ?

Imagine one doesn't enjoy his work... it would be like living in a nightmare

I wonder you guys enjoy working because you can solve the problems with your learn knowledge / life-long learning experience.

In my case, I enjoy it even during my failures since I use making a lot of mistakes, both serious or silly, anytime I work on a new design. That is why I have no reason not to keep working on any important project (for sale or for my personal need) till I finish it properly in a practical way... though far from perfection so that I can always update it

Hey, anyone here taking master degree related to RF/electronics/telecommunication/electrical field ?
Share your experience.

In 1979, I proved (MS thesis project) that demodulating DSB-SC (using the two sidebands) is much easier than SSB-SC, by using one conventional PLL hence no need for quadrature signals or coils. At this time, one side of the DSB-SC signal had to be removed instead to ease its detection by using a local oscillator (as for SSB-SC). So my project was indeed a novel solution but I had no chance to take advantage of it other than using it in my private RF links (in the 80's and early 90's) since my signals (based on DSB-SC) couldn't be demodulated properly by any available receiver.

Now this problem is solved digitally though using rather complex ICs based on Costas Loop which was rather difficult to implement on analogue circuits (for the general consumers).
Therefore, its importance now could be for the literature only showing a simple low cost DSB-SC demodulator that even an amateur can build it (if the suppressed carrier is within 1 MHz, a standard PLL IC as CD4046 can be used).


Thank you, KerimF.

Anyone here mind to share ??

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