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[PIC] Enc28j60 ethernet controller With pic 18f258

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Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
Sep 20, 2015
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Hello friends ..

i need to use enc28j60 with pic18f258 to send and receive packets of data from a server
and I'm beginner in pic programming .. can any one write steps that need to connect the pic with enc28j60 ( i mean steps help me to write the code in correct way ) ..
should i know which registers that stores the IP ??
and if i should know which registers are it :sad::sad::sad:?

Using enc28j60, you have to implement the TCP/IP stack in software, thus there are no specific registers for IP addresses. They have to be inserted at specific locations of the IP and TCPIP or UDP frames. The chip has registers to set it's unique MAC address.

A possible way is to use the Microchip TCPIP library for your project. Otherwise you need to learn a lot low level details about ethernet protocols.
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Using enc28j60, you have to implement the TCP/IP stack in software, thus there are no specific registers for IP addresses. They have to be inserted at specific locations of the IP and TCPIP or UDP frames. The chip has registers to set it's unique MAC address.

A possible way is to use the Microchip TCPIP library for your project. Otherwise you need to learn a lot low level details about ethernet protocols.

thanks for replay ...

could u please gibe me links that useful for TCPIP library ..

another question : i well use more than one pic and one enc28j60 !! for example : i have pic with enc 28j60 in my home and another pic with enc28j60 in my neighbor home and both well received packets from the same server ..

what is the best way to identify who is the receiver ..can i determine that by ip of every receiver or there is a best way than this way ?? :?::?::?:

The MLA is at **broken link removed** (and a google search would have found this for you very easily). Look for the TCP/IP library.
Seriously, if you are starting out with PIC MCUs then don't start with this project - start with something much simpler and build up.
Also, start with the demonstration programs and customise from there. Finally make sure that you read the Help files and also download the application notes form Microchip about the IP stack and make sure that you understand them.
You *WILL* need to modify the configuration files and some headers and this is all explained the documentation.
The library stack has options to include a DHCP client so you can use that to get an IP address for each device/interface.

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