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Electronic Gyro Design

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Advanced Member level 2
Jun 20, 2001
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electronic gyroscope

Does anyone have a "build it yourself" electronic gyro schematic/design? Or know of a web link to one?

Please PM me if you do :)


diy gyroscope

unfortunately these links are not very useful, as i am searching for a Do It Yourself version, likely controlled by a microprocessor.

thx anyways


gyroscope schematic

I'm not sure if you are looking for a mechanical version, if so im no help :)
But for a really cheap do-it-yourself version you could take two accelerometers a known distance apart, and integrate to get your angular velocity, and again to get position. However drift becomes a problem because of all the intergration.

Analog devices now has a MEMS gyro for 33 bux. With 3 of them u could get all axis. This is similar to the murata gyro that they refuse to sell in small quanity. Im just hoping they will start giving out samples of this one.

Both of these setups could be easily read by most A/D converters just depending on what resolution and speed you need.


gyro schematic

If all you want to do is sense orientation, you could use three flux gate magnetometers and the earth's magnetic field. Of course, this will not work well if you have other fields coming and going.

This method is used in commercial dead reconing navigation devices.

gyro designs

Mr.Cool said:
Does anyone have a "build it yourself" electronic gyro schematic/design? Or know of a web link to one?

Please PM me if you do :)

I don’t really know how much you want to do your self but I have worked with some devices from Honeywell and the are affordable.
Look at : h**p://


gyroscope design

accelerometers... yes. i was thinking of using the "all in one" package that philips made a while back for virtual reality gear (its basically a 2 axis accelerometer IC). thanks for pointing out another source of a IC from analog devices.

of course your suggestion of integrating an "accelerometer" twice makes perfect sense. .. i just never thought of it that way ;)


murata gyrometer

Be aware that you will have some imperfections in the integration from unwanted currents. These include the op amp input current, capacitor leakage, and PC board surface leakage. You might try an experiment where you put the input of the integrator to a voltage for a short time and then to ground and watch the integrator output voltage drift. See if this error is more than you can tolerate.

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