Electrical/Telecom Engineers Click here please...

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Newbie level 5
Apr 17, 2007
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I don't know whether its the right place to ask this question but I really need some good guidance here.

I'm doing a 4 years bachelors program which offers degree in "Electrical Engineering with specialization in Telecommunication" My courses are listed here if you're interested in taking a brief look:

**broken link removed**

I have completed 4 semesters, and I'm free for 2 months now. I really think that this is the right time for me to choose my path in this field, that where I want to go in industry as a Telecom Engineer, and looking at my courses and market needs, in my country and abroad, I think what will be best for me is to go on the side of Networking. Later I can do Masters in Fiber-optic/satellite Communications, or somewhat related fields like this, depending on the market demand.

Now my question is that in this summer, I have planned to do CCNA and MCSE from a local institute. Plus, I've also planned to go through the LAMP package, just for my own knowledge (LAMP consists of Linux, Apache, MySql and PHP).
After this, I have plans for CCNP, and internship in any firm in the next summer season. All I want to ask is that whether I'm headed in the right direction? Should I continue with what I have planned, or I should go for some other kind of courses? What will be best for me? Or what if Networking side is not good for me at all? What should I do?

Please do guide me, and thanks in advance for reading all this!

I'm surpirsed that it has got 30+ views and no one is able to give the answer of this simple question!

Hey Fastian

Its happin here no one can reply.......I am from FAST (graduate 2004)..go for certifications as much as possible.....

you should ask yourself before. because telecommunications engineering has large field of job. What job you want to do? Computer network was basic knowledge for telecommunications engineer that you must understand.

I'm study in telecommunications engineering too at KMITL.

hey man,

first of all it's entirely your own decision & ask your self about your own very interest. I would recommend that you should rather see a consuler if you feel like.


im not sure what your interests are.if you are interested in networking continue with what you have planned.for anyone who desires to major in nertwork engineering i think those are very good plans.good luck.

Its your life Friend. Do as you like and as you think good. Too it all depend on what or which stream in Telecom you are targeting. Take your own desicions. Be your own master. Good luck

I just to want to say that you are broadening yourself too much.I mean you have to decide whether you want to be an expert in networking or in programming(having expertise on Microsoft products)
As the above replies says do as many certifications as you can..i totally agree with it,,it will boost your initial career and help you in get jobs easily as a start up,but my advice to you that if you are going for CCNA then dont stop after it,,do CCNP,CCIE etc depending on your interests. If you want to make your career as a soft developer then go for Microsoft certifications and i dont think that you are going in this direction

But as a hobby you can go for any certification you want, i myself have a linux certification and i am currently doing CCNA...

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