Dtmf tones tranmitted via RF

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Newbie level 2
Dec 4, 2009
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Hi guyz!

I am making a semester project which includes digital transmition. I have decided to use 8051+mt8880+ RF transceiver!

but i need to know how these DTMF tones can be tranmitted over RF...??
Help plz!

You can use any dtmf encoder with RF transmitter to transmitt the dtmf.


Just connect the output of the DTMF encoder to modulate the FM transmitter and its done...Thaz all.

thanks guyz for ur help!
can u also provide me with the assebly code of how to use MT8880 as a generator and receiver of DTMf with diagram?
I am very confused with the pin connections!

hassanaftab90 said:
thanks guyz for ur help! can u also provide me with the assebly code of how to use MT8880 as a generator and receiver of DTMf with diagram?!
Guess there is nothing like assembly code for MT8880 as it is not a microcontroller. If you are refering to the tome generation table, you'll find it in the device datasheet.
hassanaftab90 said:
I am very confused with the pin connections!
Every detail of the pins are explained in the datasheet. Have a look. There is nothing complicated to get confused...Cheers

hassanaftab90 said:
thanks guyz for ur help!
can u also provide me with the assebly code of how to use MT8880 as a generator and receiver of DTMf with diagram?
I am very confused with the pin connections!
why MT8880 ?
u can use UM94521B for coder & CM 8870 for decoder.it easy avilabal on google.

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