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am using dsPIC33fj, am trying to read(sample) a signal using the ADC and DMA. I've initialized both functions, am getting an error " due to software break point in user code" but i dont know why or where.. also i want to ask how can i read the stored samples in the DMA memory ?
the problem is that I was using the ADC only to get the samples but once i added an arithmetic equation to the code after sampling, the sample rate decreases.. I thought that the DMA would help to fix this issue since it won't use the CPU..
note: its my first time to use the DMA
the following is the code i've written:
am using dsPIC33fj, am trying to read(sample) a signal using the ADC and DMA. I've initialized both functions, am getting an error " due to software break point in user code" but i dont know why or where.. also i want to ask how can i read the stored samples in the DMA memory ?
the problem is that I was using the ADC only to get the samples but once i added an arithmetic equation to the code after sampling, the sample rate decreases.. I thought that the DMA would help to fix this issue since it won't use the CPU..
note: its my first time to use the DMA
the following is the code i've written:
Code C - [expand] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 "#include "xc.h" #include "lcd.h" #include "delay.h" #include <stdio.h> #define MAX_CHNUM 1 // Highest Analog input number (AN4,AN5,AN10,AN13) #define SAMP_BUFF_SIZE 16 //size of input buffer/channel #define NUM_CHS2SCAN 1 //Number of channels // Select internal FRC at POR _FOSCSEL(FNOSC_FRC); // Enable clock switching and configure POSC in XT mode _FOSC(FCKSM_CSECMD & OSCIOFNC_OFF & POSCMD_XT); int BufferA[MAX_CHNUM+1][SAMP_BUFF_SIZE] __attribute__((space(dma),aligned(256))); int BufferB[MAX_CHNUM+1][SAMP_BUFF_SIZE] __attribute__((space(dma),aligned(256))); void initDMA(void) { DMA0CONbits.AMODE = 0b10; // Peripheral indirect addressing mode DMA0CONbits.MODE = 0b10; //Continuous Ping-Pong mode DMA0PAD=(int)&ADC1BUF0; //contains the static address of the peripheral data register DMA0CNT = 31; //8*4-1, the block transfer complete DMA0REQ = 13; // Select ADC1 as DMA Request source DMA0STA = __builtin_dmaoffset(BufferA); DMA0STB = __builtin_dmaoffset(BufferB); IFS0bits.DMA0IF = 0; //Clear the DMA interrupt flag bit IEC0bits.DMA0IE = 1; //Set the DMA interrupt enable bit DMA0CONbits.CHEN=1; // Enable DMA } #define MAX_CHNUM 1 // Highest Analog input number (AN4,AN5,AN10,AN13) #define SAMP_BUFF_SIZE 8 //size of input buffer/channel #define NUM_CHS2SCAN 1 //Number of channels // Number of locations for ADC buffer = 14 x 8 = 112 words //The buffer should be aligned to 128 words or 256 bytes void initADC(void) { AD1CON1bits.FORM = 2; // fractional AD1CON1bits.SSRC = 2; // Timer3 as sample clock source AD1CON1bits.ASAM = 1; //auto sampling AD1CON1bits.AD12B = 0; // 12-bit ADC operation //AD1CON1bits.SIMSAM = 1; //Simultaneous sampling //AD1CON2bits.CSCNA = 1; // Scan Inputs AD1CON2bits.CHPS = 0; AD1CON3bits.ADRC = 0; // ADC Clock is derived from Systems Clock AD1CON3bits.ADCS = 63; // Tad=Tcy*(ADCS+1)= (1/40M)*64 = 1.6us (625Khz) // ADC Conversion Time for 10-bit Tc=12*Tab = 19.2us AD1CON1bits.ADDMABM = 0; //scatter/gather mode AD1CON2bits.SMPI = 0; // 4 ADC Channel is scanned AD1CON4bits.DMABL = 0b011; // Each buffer contains 8 words AD1CSSH = 0x0000; //no scan for AN16-31 //AD1PCFGH/AD1PCFGL: Port Configuration Register AD1PCFGL=0xFFFF; AD1PCFGH=0xFFFF; IFS0bits.AD1IF = 0; // Clear the A/D interrupt flag bit IEC0bits.AD1IE = 0; // Do Not Enable A/D interrupt AD1CON1bits.ADON = 1; // Turn on the A/D converter TMR3 = 0x0000; PR3 = 1600; T3CON = 0x8000; } int main(void) { // Configure PLL prescaler, PLL postscaler, and PLL divisor PLLFBD=30; // M = 32 CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE=0; // N1 = 2 CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST=0; // N2 = 2 // Initiate clock switch to primary oscillator with PLL (NOSC = 0b011) __builtin_write_OSCCONH(0x03); __builtin_write_OSCCONL(0x01); // Wait for clock switch to occur while (OSCCONbits.COSC != 0b011); // Wait for PLL to lock while(OSCCONbits.LOCK!=1) {}; int i=0; float store[1000]; initDMA(); initADC(); TRISA = 0x0000; //bit 7 input on PORTA- S5, Data direction register -input=1 int ADCValueT; double temp;//,temperature; int u=0; while (u<1000) { while(!IFS0bits.AD1IF); ADCValueT = ADC1BUF0; IFS0bits.AD1IF = 0 ; temp =(ADCValueT*3.3)/1024.0; //temperature=(temp-0.5)/0.01; store[i]=temp; u=u+1; } PORTA=0x00FF; return 0; } void ProcessADCSamples(int * AdcBuffer) { int i=0; int s[20]; while(i<16) { s[i]= ((*AdcBuffer)*3.3)/1024.0 ; *AdcBuffer++; } } int DmaBuffer=0; void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _DMA0Interrupt(void) { if(DmaBuffer == 0) { ProcessADCSamples(&BufferA[1][0]); } else { ProcessADCSamples(&BufferB[1][0]); } DmaBuffer ^= 1; IFS0bits.DMA0IF = 0; // Clear the DMA0 Interrupt Flag }
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