DSP processors, whats are ?

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Full Member level 4
May 31, 2006
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Cairo - Egypt
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Sorry for this so trivial question i know. but i want to know whats i meant by DSP , DSP processor , in what they are used and what is the advantages of using them on using ordinary digital circuits implemented on a FPGA or a usual Microcontroller?

Thanks in advance.

Digital Signal Processing is carried out by mathematical operations. In comparison, word processing and similar programs merely rearrange stored data. This means that computers designed for business and other general applications are not optimized for algorithms such as digital filtering and Fourier analysis. Digital Signal Processors are microprocessors specifically designed to handle Digital Signal Processing tasks. These devices have seen tremendous growth in the last decade, finding use in everything from cellular telephones to advanced scientific instruments. In fact, hardware engineers use "DSP" to mean Digital Signal Processor, just as algorithm developers use "DSP" to mean Digital Signal Processing.

DSP: includes full of Mathematical tasks, calculations etc.
where in most of the operations in DSP has Sum of Products, these sum of products are seen everywhere like FIR, IIR, Convolution, ARMA etc, etc,

if these operations are done on ordinary microcontrollers, it takes more time or cycles for a single multiply operation. hence a DSP Processor is designed where in it is designed to take a single cycle for multiplication operations, that is it consists of MAC operations, that is Multiply and Accumulate Operation.

The basic difference is in the architecture of the DSP. If you look at an ordinary uP, they follow what is called as the von-neuman architecture. DSPs generally use Harward, superharward style archtitectures. The difference is in the orientation of Prog Memory, DataMemory, and buses connecting them to core processor. This enables them to exec multiple instructions, or do simultaneous fetching of data,code and execution. Mostly they have a separate ALU, Shifter and multiplier. Do contact me for more details


check the following link, it contains a useful information about DSP and FPGA

**broken link removed**

Perhaps any general purpose processor(CPU in this case) could do that same algorithms no matter how complex it is to run....But whilst this is under execution, no clock cylces will be available for the other controlling operations which the other peripherals connected to the CPU requires as often. This state makes the CPU almost dead to our vision, since we cannot see any response in it's output device while processing complex algorithms or otherwise it may do so but slowly. In order to reduce this burden, a specialist in number crunching known for its complex multiplication is required. There comes our DSP as the name stands for.However with FPGA using a DSP IP core makes things really different. You can have a SOC with this make-up. Use mcu IP on one part and DSP IP on other part of the FPGA makes things more easy when it comes to application side.

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