Drop 24V boolean signal to 5V signal to read as digital

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Newbie level 2
Jun 11, 2012
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Hey all,

I know the question has a brutally simple answer to it, but it seems to be escaping me.

I do not know much about circuit design, but I need to take a 24V Boolean signal and convert it to a 5V digital signal to be passed through logic gates. The specific sensor I am dealing with outputs 24V high low instead of 5V. I am using a DAQ to read in the digital signal, which only pulls 0.4 mA.

Should i be looking at voltage regulators or will a voltage divider do the trick?

Thanks in advance!

have you try a with a voltage divider or if the DAQ(NI) need it a Voltage to Amp converter... there is lot of Aplications how to do that. try this **broken link removed**

have you try a with a voltage divider or if the DAQ(NI) need it a Voltage to Amp converter... there is lot of Aplications how to do that. try this **broken link removed**

Sorry if my original question was not clear, I'll lay out the application for you. My DAQ has a digital counter input on it which its a TTL 5V high/low signal. I am attempting to use it to count the pulses that an encoder puts out. The issue is that the encoder puts out 24 volt pulses, not the 5V that my DAQ can read. I was looking for some suggestions for solutions, whether it be through a few resistors or some more complicated circuitry.

as I read your second try to answer the 24volt clock signal from your encoder is to high and you want it to be 5volt clock signal instead.
as I see it the Job shot be don with an voltage divider With resistance
24volt divide by 1mA = 24kohm total and one of the resister shot be 5volt divide by 1mA = 5kohm
so if you take 22kohm on top to 24 volt and with series with 4k7ohm to the ground you can take approx 5volt clock signal out in the point where the 22k and 4k7 meed between ground and it will not be destored only smaller, as I remember Hi level in TTL logic (5v) is voltage over 2,8v seen as hight level

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