DOT-matrix display(LED matrix) points for a good design.

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matrix led dual color + avr

I think the best chip for that is MAX7219 - control 8*8 matrix with option for dimming the entire display
here in bulgaria this chip is about 7Euro but it is very good i waiting other chip for 16ch PWM the price is same )

regards from Bulgaria

driving dot matrix displays

YES YOU ARE RIGHT Mr.leoren_tm .
I just collect files form this forum and place here.

5*7 dot led pdf

I am unable to understand what do you mean by dual dot matrix.....but here i a link for 8x8 matrix circuit..i tried this circuit and it works can also use 74HC595 Serial in parallel out shift register to drive the colums as well but it will cause software code to be a little more complex...ULN2003 is used here for buffering......

url is **broken link removed**

schema matrice leduri

Hi every one!
I am doing project which is display SMS on led dot matrix using AT89c51 microcontroller please help me

common cathode 8x8 led dot matrix

anyone can send me DOT-matrix display circuit diagram.......tq

Added after 13 minutes:

anyone can send me DOT-matrix display hardware diagram.......tq

Added after 2 hours 14 minutes:

if i send data using keyboard via wireless (any wireless),then how i send and display it on dot-matrix display board?

led dot matrix display

i'm using 5x7 dot matrix led for fyp. bt why there is 10 pins on upper and bottom respectively? In other hand, 8x8 just hav 8 pins on upper and bottom?

Added after 8 minutes:

how to differentiate between common anode and common cathode?

avr assemble led display

IF i use a keyboard to enter text then send it out via any wireless to the display board. How i send out the date from keyboard using wireless......
Anyone can help??

dot matrix display

scottiehon said:
i'm using 5x7 dot matrix led for fyp. bt why there is 10 pins on upper and bottom respectively? In other hand, 8x8 just hav 8 pins on upper and bottom?

Added after 8 minutes:

how to differentiate between common anode and common cathode?
read the datasheets to find out the pinout...
or try testing each DOT

Added after 1 minutes:

scottiehon said:
i'm using 5x7 dot matrix led for fyp. bt why there is 10 pins on upper and bottom respectively? In other hand, 8x8 just hav 8 pins on upper and bottom?

Added after 8 minutes:

how to differentiate between common anode and common cathode?
Comon cathode? just like regular led, where you put your + pr the ground

proteus led matrix

Is it possible to design a scrolling LED display without using shift registers?

Added after 5 minutes:

I actually want to solder the led matrix myself...

matrix 2 color for proteus isis

yupng said:
IF i use a keyboard to enter text then send it out via any wireless to the display board. How i send out the date from keyboard using wireless......
Anyone can help??
use RS232..and connect to wireless module..

lcd dot matrix simulation screenshot 2*20

can u explain more detail on this topic

tutorial led display matrix

how to send out the data from keyboard or PC (using any wireless) to the DOT-matrix display board with wireless connection??
matrix multi display using at89c51

Anyone can help me do a "wireless announcement board" using dot-matrix.
The data(text) is send out from keyboard via wireless to dot-matrix display.
board led display dot matrix controled by can have a wireless module that accept RS232 signal from your PC(maybe you can use hyperterminal of your PC to enter the data from keyboard)..
search EDA, there lot sample would be difficult to explain..cause i dont know, your KD(knowledge domain )...

leds module 1/8 scan scheme

HELP.....wireless control announcement board using Dot-Matrix.
Any ideal.....

ma tran led 8x8 isis protus

yupng said:
HELP.....wireless control announcement board using Dot-Matrix.
Any ideal.....
you will use PC or not??
PC----RS232----(max232)TTL---Wireless module Trasmitter(maxtrem)--Wireless module reciever---(UART)MCU--Display board

multiple dot matrix display driver ic

can use PC or dun use PC. Any type also can consider. See which one is easier.
How to connect the Wireless module Transmitter to PC port?
Really need help about this.
Thanks for any reply.

74595 scan pwm

First i would need to research, its not that difficult..
you can buy module that are ready to receive RS232 signal, or it not you can convert that to TTL signal, which you could use transistor and resistor only, then the wireless module would be the one to packet your data, on any protocol to make it easier buy
a tranceiver(2) search on maxtreamm download datasheets and readm it is indicated on there documentation..i think it would be easier if you use a PC, cause you could use higher language on your interface and not a keypad matrix with another microcontroller..there are lot sample projects, but still you need to do some could not be done by CUT-AND-PASTE method
4094 dot matrix

I am trying to build an Infrared Transmitter and receiver that will take an RS-232 signal, convert it into TTL, then Pulse Width Modulation would be applied, and then finally transmitted. On the reciever side, basically extracting the orignal TTL signal from the Pulse Width Modulated signal and converting it back to RS-232.
Anyone can give me some guidance about this project?
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