Does these values give any sense for the speed of system in Vivado timing summary

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Serwan Bamerni

Member level 2
Dec 21, 2014
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Hello everyone

I have built a system in tow different approach and implement both on FPGA using Vivado Design Suite using the same parameters

and as expected, I got different timing summary and utilization placed reports

my question and what I am looking for for this work is

do these values give any indication or sense for which method or approach is faster

  1. WNS (Worst Negative Slack)
  2. Setup Worst Slack
  3. Hold Worst Slack

Or is there any other value in the report that decides which system is faster in my case

This is digital circuits 101. Please google these concepts.

In this context, the values only make sense if the design does not meet timing.

You should set timing constraints and lower them to see which fails first. You might need to ensure the design is realistic -- that it doesn't fail timing because it uses IO resources that don't exist in a real design.

The reason for this is because the tools may choose to optimize area/power/synthesis-time if timing is already met.

After feeding the timing constraints for both the cases, you can also compare the minimum period (or maximum frequency) of both the designs.

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