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does CGPA really matter in first real job interview?

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Newbie level 4
Newbie level 4
Feb 10, 2006
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California State University Fresno
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cgpa required for cum laude

elo there

im still in my junior year. i really wanna know the importance of CGPA/grades in internship interview, co-op interview, and real job interview as well...

i wanna know about summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude CGPA requirement... please answer my questions thanx

does magna cum laude really matter?

i think it depend on company....

but it is not really too important... as long as u hav more than 3 for ur cgpa.. then it should b ok...


the importance of cgpa

it doesn't mater at all. all an employer wants to know is if you will make more money for the compnay than they will pay you in salary. what does your GPA have to do with that? during the interview if you offer them no evidence that you will be able to do the first statement they will probably ignore you as a candidate. however, if there are no other applicants THEN they will say to themselves "hmm.. this person has not convinced me of {the first statement}, what evidence is there then from their resume that they will be able to do {the first statement}?". at that point then, and only then, will they look at your GPA.

you shouldn't let your interview get that far. you should convince your potential employer that you have something useful to offer to the company so they can make money. very simple.

good luck!


cgpa matter for internship

jobs are created through mind and not on paper GPA's so don't worry about GPA's at all.Keep concentrating on being an efficient engineer because in this profession there's hardly any room for 50% engineers.

importance of cgpa

I'm 110% agree with all of you. A good CGPA doesnt mean that he/she is going to be a good engineer. I have seen some good engineers have CGPA below than 3... but above 2.5 of course.

However, a company will receive so many resume. Thus, to reduce number of applicant. They will throw all resume below than 3. Sadly, those who below than 3 will have slim chance to get into an interview.

Unless, there is someone from inside can recommend to the manager. Chances are they will call you.

Anyway, once you have work for more than 3 years in the same field. Your CGPA mean nothing to them. Now, they will look at your experience.

Good luck and wish you all the best

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