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Do you have problems with Xilinx ISE9.2i speed?

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Advanced Member level 2
Jun 9, 2005
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I was using Xilinx ISE 7.1i and when moved to ISE 8 it was very slow.
Now I ask about ISE 9.2i , Is It slower than ISE7.1i and ISE 8

Hossam Alzomor

xilinx ise windows linux performance

Assuming you are using the same system, Yes it will be slow. But don't be fooled by the slowness of the IDE, the underlying tools are just as fast or even faster. But nonetheless, if you work on ISE for a living its time to consider an upgrade.

xilinx 9.1 out of memory

Thanks kishore2k4 for help

But My problem is not only with the IDE .
even that editing takes a long time
but the problem with the synthesis it takes a very long time.
also place and route take long time.

also what are the benefits of upgrading

Hossam Alzomor

xilinx ise slow

Upgrading in the sense, upgrading your system. Chances are your IDE is taking up too much resources leaving little for the tools. Try running them from the command lines and see.

xilinx ise really slow

May be
but it doesn't make sense that the IDE takes more resources than the tools
Don't you agree with me?

Hossam Alzomor

virtex 5 ise9.2


I also previously using Xilinx ISE 7.1i and when moved to ISE 9.1
as u observer that 8 is was very slow.

not such i observe with this version which using currently.....

there are few thing new compare to old one....

i dont think
about ISE 9.2i slower than ISE7.1i and ISE 8

your problem is with synthesis....
this new version will reduse the time


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xilinx linux ise9.1

I am using the ise9.1i, it's faster than former version

xilinx ise runs slow

alzomor said:
May be
but it doesn't make sense that the IDE takes more resources than the tools
Don't you agree with me?

Hossam Alzomor

Actually the IDE is meant for ease of use and the tools have gotten faster too. If you want to use the latest and the best tools available you also need to match it with appropriate hardware. When I first started working with ISE 7.1 my system was Celeron 1.7Ghz@512MB. Now I am working with 9.1i and my systems is E6600@3GHz with 2GBytes of RAM.

If you feel the IDE is too slow, depends, then simply use the tcl shell from command line. Or use a 3rd party HDL editor with backend tools set to Xilinx.

xilinx 9.2i ise

Dear friend,
I using ISE9.2 . So i agree with swapnil_vlsi

xilinx place and route take long time

My Pc is AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 2.00GHz & 2.00GB of RAM
but when run the ISE9.2i I get this error:

ERROR:portability:3 - This Xilinx application has run out of memory or has encountered a memory conflict. Current memory usage is 2091112 kb. Memory problems may require a simple increase in available system memory, or possibly a fix to the software or a special workaround. To troubleshoot or remedy the problem, first: Try increasing your system's RAM. Alternatively, you may try increasing your system's virtual memory or swap space. If this does not fix the problem, please try the following
: Search the Answers Database at to locate information on this error message. If neither of the above resources produces an available solution, please use Web Support to open a case with Xilinx Technical Support off of As it is likely that this may be an unforeseen problem, please be prepared to submit relevant design files if necessary.

Is it required to increase the memory?
How Much ?

Hossam Alzomor

xilinx very slow

Did you disable your paging file by any chance? Anwyays, that doesn't seem like a standard problem, try reinstalling. Sorry, I cannot exactly source a solution. 2GB RAM is fine but I guess the processor is trying to keep up.

ise speed windows linux


I am Using Virtex 4 XL100
IT required 3GB typical!!!


Hossam Alzomor

how much ram required for xilinx

Try Xilinx ISE under Linux. It takes one third of the time to synthesize than it takes in windows. Linux port works definetely faster. I tried under Debian Linux v4.0

xilinx ise9.1i

smoked said:
Try Xilinx ISE under Linux. It takes one third of the time to synthesize than it takes in windows. Linux port works definetely faster. I tried under Debian Linux v4.0

Hi everybody,

I haven't been here for a while... blush

Is there anybody else who made similar experiences like smoked concerning the simulation times of ISE under windows and linux?
Maybe someone knows a link where I can read about this?

Regards, ep20k

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