Do we really need Golden gate ?


Feb 27, 2024
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I am using Cadence environment for RFIC Design, but ADS tools such as EM simulation is best provided by ADS. So with the RFIC interoperability we can switch between Cadence and ADS and use best tools. But there is one other License by ADS , a Golden Gate, do we realy need this license as it uses ADS tools in Cadence environment. Or any other necessity of Golden gate is there in RFIC design ?

For EM simulations, you don't need GoldenGate license. ADS has another license feature to use EM Simulator Momentum in Cadence environment.
If you have standard Momentum license, you can use it in ADE.
GoldenGate is another simulator of Keysight. It has also DC, HB, Transient etc. simulation engines.

If I don't have Golden Gate license, Still I can perform EM, Transient, DC analysis by opening Cadence workspace in ADS with the help of interoperability patch. But to use ADS simulation tools in ADE(instead of Specter) we need Golden Gate, that's the only point. Please correct me if I am wrong ...

If you can point out any other requirements for Golden Gate that , I cannot perform without It, that will be helpful...

Thanks and Regards.

You're right. In order to use any simulator engine rather than Cadence Spectre, either you can use ADS Simulation Engines by using Interoperability Feature in RFIC Dynamic Link OR GoldenGate Simulation Engines similar to Cadence engines. I didn't use ADS in Cadence ADE since long time.
Why do you want to work with Goldengate ?? It's similar to Cadence Spectre and almost there is no advantages to use it.
In order to able to work with RFIC Dynamic Link, you need those licenses.
  • 111 (Cadence Design Framework II license)
  • 95100 - Virtuoso_Schematic_Editor_L
  • 95200 - Virtuoso(R) Analog Design Environment - L
  • 32101 - OASIS_RFDE

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