DIY Moving Message Display

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you can get LED FONT code generator from pjhs_rajeev(a)

I am very weak in serial communication? ............
is there any alternative to recieve the data to be displayed...
like RF module or EEPROM or anything else...... please guide me...

john.l said:
I am very weak in serial communication? ............
is there any alternative to recieve the data to be displayed...
like RF module or EEPROM or anything else...... please guide me...

Hey, no need of RF/EEPROM,
if you just need to enter data, Use Keypad

but then the coding will increase, as u need to sense all keys,
better, I would suggest you to learn serial communication,
it is hardly 10 lines of code... whereas keypad would be at least 100 lines code...

Let me know if you need any more help

@ rushi53 dear i m very happy for ur help :d but my main problem is this i m working in this field since 25 years but i work only at hardware and now i want to learn programming on atmel or avr or pic i dont know anything about programing and i live in a small town so there are no any institute who can teach me plz guide me what should i do for this. a to z what should i learn 1st which language is used for this work and etc i know only flashing on mobile or any other mcu i have a selfmade serial programmer for at89 series and some more but now i want to learn programing plz help me very very thanx for this reply

You can start with 89s51, it doesn't require external programmer, as it contains ISP
Once you are very well familiar with 89s51, you can start with AVR ATmega16

Let me know if you need any more help

for i/o expension and contol 74ls595, and 74ls164
and interface with micro-controller and c code
**broken link removed**

Re: My newest 16 char MMD with a small PIC

Hello could you please sendme your last job about the display?

I need help i want to a Moving Message Display on 4 8x8 Led matrix using PIC16f84A Can anybody help me..plz i need urgent help.....

Thank you all for your examples and designs!

Can somebodies post any links about 3 or more 16x16 led dot matrix display using 89s52 or any other MCU??? I only see 5x7 led matrix in this forum !!

how to add long character to use dot matrix 8x8 10 pcs :idea:

Added after 15 minutes:

hlo bro....upload here u're project...schematic & surce code

thx before

add long character to use dot matrix 8x8 max 250 character
addwf PCL,1
retlw B'00000000' ;1
retlw B'00000000' ;2
retlw B'00000000' ;3
retlw B'00000000' ;4

This is the best one in all, please please upload the schematic and source(asm,C) it will be very very helpful for learners.

wow this is lovely. Im also trying to make my own one with PS2 on board.
I'll be post it here as soon as i can.

Yes please do upload it, the PCB print is not very clear else I could trase it, I dont know the ICs and theri Nos, If any one know about it???????
ME said:
This link may be very useful:
It uses an Atmel AVR ATtiny2313 for controlling eight 5x7 LED dotmatrix displays.
[edit June 2009: Changed link to new website and use ATtiny2313 instead of the now obsolete AT90S2313)
[color=red]MOD: This circuit is discussed a lot in EDA. [/color]

This is complete 5x7 19 matrix Moving message display with RS232 Control.
atmel 89c51 is used.column are scan by 74ls164
source code are in c keil c51
Proteus simulation file is included.
visit website: **broken link removed**

sohail_akram said:
This is complete 5x7 19 matrix Moving message display with RS232 Control.
atmel 89c51 is used.column are scan by 74ls164
source code are in c keil c51
Proteus simulation file is included.
Yes this may be the best one... I must try this if i have any problem i will ask, as I m very new in C and good in assembly.

Can you please explain how to establish communication with PC?

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