DIY Moving Message Display

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can i also see your code in proton? because i'm using proton as well

let our projects or what we present to our members be helpful rather that confusion ,let borrowed example from the previous members who willfully give their works out for gratis

Re: My newest 16 char MMD with a small PIC

Hi my dear friends!

If somebody is really interested to this project, please drop me a PM with your real email address and I'll post to this address the whole project with sources. You must understand I don't want to make it fully public, and please no else doesn't make that, and do not use it for commercial purposes!
I'm worked a lot on it!

However, as I wrote, the program isn't small, nor easy to understand, and it has many assembly snippets, so it is NOT easy portable (unfortunately).
But ... it is working fine.

(I'm working on it continually but now in C and with PIC18 and AVR uCs.)

Note this project is simplified for Proteus ISIS simulation: for example there aren't real line drivers nor real rs232 interface (only 1 transistor ), it's running now at 1 Mhz PIC clock because my PC is slow). To make a real circuit please also study the ELEKTOR pdf in my previous posts (attachments) on this thread!

If somebody want to build it, I'll help gladly in a PM.


can you send me the libariey of 74hc595 used in ISIS, proteus, as i m using some older version that have not this.

A lib for 74hc595 in Proteus 7.2

madicalphy said:
can you send me the libariey of 74hc595 used in ISIS, proteus, as i m using some older version that have not this.

Hi "madicalphy";
The attached lib (zipped Proteus's 74hc.lib) contains this IC.
This is working fine for me.

Maybe you must first delete any(? or its only) .IDX files in the LIBRARY folder !?!

thanks, i will try this, and inform u accordingly. wat about source code of moving message display, as i have send u a PM.

i need a software and hardware about dot matrix message display using wireless keyboard.
Use wireless keyboard to sent the data to dot matrix message display....
Anyone can help me???

Added after 44 minutes:

electronicus said:
A nice Running Text Disply controled by a COP-8 microcontroler.
For programming use a standard PC keyboard wit an infrared data link.

Do u have this COP-8 microcontroler program code

Is this two file are machine code???
I cant understand d code. Beside .asm and hex file,still got any(another) file?

Added after 12 minutes:

Anyone can change this project with other MCU and write d code for me. I really can't understand d COP-8 microcontroler code.

Anyone can help me do a "wireless announcement board" using dot-matrix.
The data(text) is send out from keyboard via wireless to dot-matrix display.

Please write your code in C and use keil 7.0 for moving message display

HELP.....wireless control announcement board using Dot-Matrix.
Any ideal.....

RS232 port with wireless.....any idea???anyone can help?


This the word format i take from web:
**broken link removed**

I am trying to build an Infrared Transmitter and receiver that will take an RS-232 signal, convert it into TTL, then Pulse Width Modulation would be applied, and then finally transmitted. On the reciever side, basically extracting the orignal TTL signal from the Pulse Width Modulated signal and converting it back to RS-232.
Anyone can give me some guidance about this project?

Anyone know how to transmit the data using RS232 port with Infarad? No cable is used.
For Example:
i already built a dot-matrix display project which the data transfer from RS232 port to dot-matrix display device with using cable connect between them.
So now, no cable is used to transfer the data. Only transfer data wireless(any wireles type but prefer IR).
Anyone can teach me how 2 do it?


I have a problem with the moving message display with 89S52.

I use TPIC6B595 for driving the rows and the same IC's for the colums.

The schematic and software work in Proteus but in reality it doesn't work. the problem is with the rows, it's like all rows are on at the same time.

I can't get still letter ...

Can anyone help me?

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