DIY Moving Message Display

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picbook 7_07chapter

To what Protel can open files Complete project?

moving message lcd display


but i dint get the required information


hex code for moving message display

hello madane,
i have a software to control your moving message display.
moving display software


nice can i do this with another microcontroller ,i am new to these things .


clearing digit+max6952

I need the PIC16F877 moving message display with dot matrix displays
help me?

diy led matrix display

finally i was the matrix LCD project!!!, great!

display massage diy

Me the project of a running line on Atmega8, with a matrix 8х256 interests

bd242 connections

ı want to make a pic 16f84 5*8 led moving circuit please help meee....

Added after 4 minutes:

here its a turkish made with pc keyboard programming pic 16f84 led moving circuit

max 7219 matrice de leds

led moving diplay circuit used 8051 microcontroller

moving display program

please help me for this project by 8051

moving message using johnson counter

can a pic '877 be used instead?
led moving message software

Yes , with CCS C or Hitech C compiler

moving message display circuits


ccs c led moving message

6X6 Scrolling Text

proteus back into an old version indir


z80 control led message moving display


circuit for moving message display

2 donem

electronic rolling display

good work can any body guide me to do a project in microprocessor

8051 based led moving message display


Can anybody help me in getting a circuit diagram for moving message using PC to feed data from serial or parallel or usb to the shift register circuit for driving led matrix minimum 16x16 or above ! and to hook more led matrix in row and coloum for example 16x16 led matrix 3 in horizontal and two vertical which makes total 16x16 matrix of 6. and a windows based software for sending the data to the port and also the driver for the hardware.

Thanks in advance for the same.


message in led display using vb 6.0

Can anybody help me in getting a circuit diagram for moving message using PC to feed data from serial or parallel or usb to the shift register circuit for driving led matrix minimum 16x16 or above !

Added after 10 minutes:

Hawe anybody the (.asm,heh) file for this "Message Display" project?

Added after 1 hours 15 minutes:

Here too there is project.


Added after 5 hours 4 minutes:

i apologize for my bad english ..
I am looking for a good Moving Message Display. Any Ideas ?

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