display on the LCD-HELP PLEZ-

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Junior Member level 2
Sep 26, 2010
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Hi everybody

I want to Read two analogue inputs from two LDRs and display them on the LCD.

I wrote a code but the problem is :

the readings on the LCD are almost the same even if there is a difference between the lighting on the LDRs.
I used the volt meter to measure, there is a difference in volts that's mean there is a difference between the lighting on the LDRs but the readings on the LCD almost the same.

It suppose to be two lines: line1 to read from LDR1 and line2 to read from LDR2 but as I said the two readings are the same
-BTW I'm using assembly and PIC16F876A-

1. Which controller you are using.
2. LDR will show low resistance or high resistance. is that working at LDR output.
3. Are you using pull up resistor at port pins.
4. Post your circuit and code for help

1. Which controller you are using.
2. LDR will show low resistance or high resistance. is that working at LDR output.
3. Are you using pull up resistor at port pins.
4. Post your circuit and code for help

Im using PIC16F876A

the only input signal is coming from 2 LDRs which are connected with 10K variable resister

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