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diodes mcq question

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Full Member level 3
Jan 25, 2014
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Structurally, what are the two main categories of semiconductor diodes?

Vacuum and point contact
Electrolytic and point contact
Junction and point contact
Electrolytic and junction

What is a common use for point contact diodes?

As a constant current source
As a constant voltage source
As an RF detector
As a high voltage rectifier

Which component conducts electricity from a negative emitter to a positive collector when its base voltage is made positive?

A varactor
A triode vacuum tube
An NPN transistor
A PNP transistor

Why do many MOSFET devices have built-in gate protective Zener diodes?

The gate-protective Zener diode keeps the gate voltage within specifications to prevent the device from overheating
The gate-protective Zener diode protects the substrate from excessive voltages
The gate-protective Zener diode prevents the gate insulation from being punctured by small static charges or excessive voltages
The gate-protective Zener diode provides a voltage reference to provide the correct amount of reverse-bias gate voltage

Electron conduction in an n-channel depletion type MOSFET is associated with:

n-channel depletion
p-channel depletion
p-channel enhancement
q-channel enhancement

Electron conduction in an n-channel enhancement MOSFET is associated with:

q-channel depletion
p-channel enhancement
n-channel enhancement
p-channel depletion

Hole conduction in a p-channel depletion type MOSFET is associated with:

n-channel enhancement
p-channel depletion
q-channel depletion
n-channel depletion

Hole conduction in a p-channel enhancement type MOSFET is associated with:

n-channel depletion
n-channel enhancement
q-channel enhancement
p-channel enhancement
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Point-contact diodes? Really? I can't remember the last
time - or any time - I saw anyone selling such a thing.
Cat's whisker and galena chunk, that's point contact.
Today you have plain junction (PN) for signal, switching
and power; PIN for RF tuning and switching; Schottky for
power and digital signal switching. The old "point contact"
diodes were Schottky type. But nobody calls them that
and nobody uses the truly point-contact structure, which
was always flaky.

Google or a text book can easily answer the simple school questions.
An old germanium diode (AM radio detector) is point contact and Google says 1N34.

EDIT: What is mcq? Why do some people talk in 3 letters?

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