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difference between Bachelor, Master, Ph.D

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Jan 23, 2006
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What's the difference between bachelor, master, ph.d?
what does ph.d mean?¿?¿?¿?¿?
How much do each one last?

I'm not joking, i don't understand those terms because in my country the educational system is different.



This is only my suggestion.

Beachelor is a lowest degree among a university can give degrees.
It can take 4 Yr ~ 5 Yr.

Master is a degree that mean this graduate person have known this field as a master.
It can take about 2 Yr.

Ph.D mean this person can pholosophy his field and mostly known the field of his studied.
It can take 3 Yr.

These are education of my country and different other country.
My country is also a developing country.


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masters and phd are additional years you take after you have completed your bachelors degree. Phds usually write some kind of research paper that adds or contributes information to their field


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in engineering
Bachelor--16 year study
masters---additional 1,or 2 years study
Ph. D.--addtional study vary from 3 years and more


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bachelor is gaining basic proficiency in ur field

it is usually a 4 year degree course

masters is advanced level

it usually a 1-2 year course

phd is doing some reserach

Added after 1 minutes:

bachelor is gaining basic proficiency in ur field

it is usually a 4 year degree course

masters is advanced level

it usually a 1-2 year course

phd is doing some reserach


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Dale W. Callahan wrote an intereting article in IEEE Potentials 2001, entitled "The Ph.D. process."

"The bachelor’s degree proves that you can be trained; the master’s degree indicates some expertise in your field, and the Ph.D. indicates your ability to become an expert in any field."

Rob N. Candler refered to his professor's words in "Stuff most students never ask about grad school", IEEE Potentials 2005.

"You’re given a toolbox at the beginning of your undergraduate education. Each class you take gives you a tool for your toolbox. So, the question you’re really asking yourself at graduation is “What do I do with all these tools?!?” I think an M.S. gives you a few more tools, while allowing you to use some of the tools you already have. A Ph.D. enables you to build new tools."


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Bachelors degree is for 4 years after 10+2(school)
Masters is another 2 yrs
For obtaining a Phd a lot of proficiency in any particular subject is required.A thesis is to be submitted by Phd students.


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You could open any dictionary and read the definitions. why a post?

bachelor : is the first university degree it takes (4-5)years and it is basic stage, and it is concentrate on learn the basics of your spicialest.
master: the secound university degree 2 years to 3 years, more deep in the subjectes, start depend on the reserch.
ph.D: last university degree, 3-5 years based on the reserch.


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In some conutries Bachelor's degree varies between 3 till 5 years.
For Master degree you have to do one or more next things:
- theoretical study
- comparance between different methods
- bulid mathematical-simulation models, programmes
- build sth practicaly according to well documentation from other people
- innovation in scinetific field of your own

For Phd degree you have to invent something in your scientific field i.e. you have to formulate new scientific methods/theory which no one did before you. Of course it follows Master degree and it is a result of a hard work. Also, you may be wanted to have several scientific papers published in domestic and international magazines/journals/conferences.


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rakko said:
You could open any dictionary and read the definitions. why a post?
Friend, everything is given in books then we must say WHY THIS FORUM IS OPENED?



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Bachelor degree means we will choose a particular field of engineering and we ll know about all the things in it but not in so depth..
We will study in depth abt each and every component in a particular specialisation in our engineering field..Thats we will master that field..
In Ph.d we can try for new innovation or modifications for the existing technology..

really no point discussing..

its different in every country according to their own education systems..


Beachelor is a lowest degree It can take 4 Yr

Master is a degree that mean Master of Engineering
It can take about 2 Yr. 1 year theory plus practical and one year project work

Ph.D mean this person can pholosophy his field and mostly known the field of his studied.
time can not be fixed. depend on work

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