Ronny Brakhya

Hi! I have a small loop antenna with a very narrow bandwidth. It's coupled to an rf module exciting it at 169MHz. I would like to check if the antenna is tuned to the tx frequency and my idea was to try to rectify and measure the voltage on the loop. As i understood it, if i connect it close to the neutral center point, the peak voltage should be lower and the impedance should be higher than if i would try to measure it close to the capacitor.
-Is this a viable approach?
-How can i rectify it without detuning the antenna (rectifying diode capacitance is in the same range as loading capacitor)
-is there a different way to chech for resonance? I have a NanonVNA, but i'm looking for a cheap way to measure tuning in-circuit.
-Is this a viable approach?
-How can i rectify it without detuning the antenna (rectifying diode capacitance is in the same range as loading capacitor)
-is there a different way to chech for resonance? I have a NanonVNA, but i'm looking for a cheap way to measure tuning in-circuit.