design a circuit using a simulator

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Newbie level 4
Nov 18, 2011
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hello to all
I would like to make a simulation with "DSCH" of a circuit that can control the device according

we have the following sequence of lamp:

lamps are lit in this order (one lamp at a time):
1,2,3,4 then loops back alone

I will be very grateful if someone helps me with ideas to design this circuit??

it is a software for simulation, let's say a MICROWIND


The DSCH program is a logic editor and simulator. DSCH is used to validate the architecture of the logic circuit before the microelectronics design is started. DSCH provides a user-friendly environment for hierarchical logic design, and fast simulation with delay analysis, which allows the design and validation of complex logic structures.
DSCH also features the symbols, models and assembly support for 8051 and 16F84 controllers. Designers can create logic circuits for interfacing with these controllers and verify software programs using DSCH.

help me please

That's been my guess to. But it seems to be rather unknown. In this case, I would consider an instructive link or a few explaining words of your own.. Circuit has many possible meanings in the Elementary Questions forum.

if you want to know which kind of circuit so itis a logic circuits; where we use logic gate like (nand,XOR,OR.......)

it is a logic circuits; where we use logic gate like (nand,XOR,OR.......)
Yes, fine. Next question is, if you have more complex logic elements like flip-flops available, or if they need to be assembled form elementary gates. In addition, you need a timer or a clock to advance the sequential circuit.

you know I am very happy because it seems that you have understund me very well

so in DSCH if we need a flip_flop for example we can use it directly it's avaible

sorry if I really focus on a simulation but in reality my first problem is to find how to design the circuit on a paper after it's will be simple to simulated, I am searching for ideas to design it.

your requirement of lighting four lamps sequentially can done with either logic circuits or microcontroller.

before that , you should make clear what is the time duration for which each lamp is to be on.

IT IS DONE WITH logic circuits and about the duration each clock tick or commended by an interrupter

In terms of logic circuits, you need a two bit binary counter, that can represent the four states. A simple ripple carry counter made of two T- or D-FFs will be sufficient, means the negative edge of the first FF is clocking the second FF. The counter outputs (Q1, Q0 and the respective inverted signals) can be decoded e.g. by 2-input AND or NAND gates to drive the lamps.

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