Declaring Member Variable in Visual C++

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Advanced Member level 4
Oct 4, 2005
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member variables in vc++

I put a two radio button in my MFC application and then I group it.
After that I open class wizard and add variable for the Radio button.

When I compile, everything is o.k, no warning or error.
the problem is when I build the program, the "send error report" comes out.
when I delete the variable, Everything is o.k and the application builds succesfully.

How to declare member variable properly actually?

thank you.

how to declare variables in visual c++

Can you upload the code and let me have a look. I might be able to determine what is wrong with it if I can run it and view the error message. Regards Babinton

radio button visual c++ 6.0 member variable

In this application, I already add BOOL variable named mode to radio button. Send msg error comes out when I try to biuld. If i delete the variable, everything is o.k. How to declare variable properly? or there is problem with my visual C++ software?

Attached is the code. can somebody help me please..............

visual c++ declare variable

Which version of VC++ you are using?

radio button set group in visual c

Make sure you order the radio buttons using the order option (tab order).

visual c++ member variable

vsmGuy said:
Make sure you order the radio buttons using the order option (tab order).

The tab order for the radio button is 17, 18 and 19. is anything wrong with it? how to do proper tab order for radio button?

radio button tab ordering in vc++

You need a few things:

a) Make sure they are all in consecutive tab order.

b) For the 1st radio button, make sure the "Group" flag is set true (WS_GROUP, but you can do it in the resource editor.)

c) Make sure the rest of the radio buttons have the "Group" flag set false.

d) Set the "Group" flag on the control that immediately follows the last radio button in the tab order.

The "Group" flag tells Windows that this control is the 1st control in a group.

visual c++ declare var

a,b and c is already done correctly but for d, i am not really understand how to do that.

c++ member variable button

Anybody please help me. I still cant solve this problem

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