Decap Cells & Filler cells

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Advanced Member level 3
Sep 22, 2004
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decap cells

What is the Difference between Filler Cells & Decap Cells?. I'm confused with these terms... When we will use these cells?.

decap filler cells

Filler cells just continue the VDD and VSS rails.

Decoupling cells also have a capacitor in them between the two rails.


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filler cells

Filler cells are used to fill the spaces, avoid the DRC spacing violations & Power rail continuty...

When we will use Decap cells?.

what are decap cells

Decap cells can help to reduce IR drop or reduce noise in mixed signal designs.

filler decap cells

oh..ok.. How do we calculate the IR drop?. I think we need to extract the layout parasitic & simulate with the spice tool.. Am I right?.

decap filler

You could - although it might be easier with a tool such as VoltageStorm.

What are all the inputs required to calculate the IR drop?
What is the difference the static & dynamic IR drop?
We have to give the vcd file as input to calculate the drop? Is it right?
Please correct if Iam wrong..

to reduce the IR drop, the metal filling connected to a supply nets help as well.
for example odd layers to gnd and even layers to vdd.

I didn't understand the even odd layers statement.
to reduce the IR drop, the metal filling connected to a supply nets help as well.
for example odd layers to gnd and even layers to vdd.

during the metal filling you could connect all filling in metal1-3-5 to gnd and metal2-4-6 to vddc, to reduce the resistivity.

Decap cells also can be used in place of filler cells. Main purpose here is to reduce the voltage spikes in power by adding capacitors . Filler cells as mentioned above are for density rules.
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