data hiding in audio steganography

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Junior Member level 3
Jun 9, 2006
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audio watermarking

hi all..!! please help
where i can found source code of audio watermarking with frequency domain based SVD (singular value decomposition)..?

thanks before

audio watermarking pdf

i can't found sample code in that website

watermark in audio + source code

can anybody explain me about STFT ?? and sample code in matlab..

Added after 1 hours 4 minutes:

i'm student... and have final task with title "Audio watermarking with frequency domain based on SVD". the main reffrences i have is "An SVD-Based Audio Watermarking Technique.pdf"
here this file : h**p://
can anyone help ??, i was looking for the source code in internet but i can't found it
need source code audio watermarking

I have done watermarking in my college days as my thesis but we used mpeg psychoacoustic analysis...

m audio watermark

does anyone have audio watermarking book or anything ??

audio watermarking+source code

try to search for papers on google, there are a lot of people doing research in audio watermarking and detection techniques

digital audio watermarking + source code

i was, and have many paper... and now i'm still looking for book

"Information hiding techniques for steganography and digital watermarking"
Stefan Katzenbeisser,
Fabien A. P. Petitcolas

did you have ??
in my country, book store does'nt have book of about watermarking
maybe u can help me

research papers on digital audio watermarking

plz find out this attached book.

svd audio watermarking

hi guyz.. im planning to do a project on watermarking.. i have the idea on how it works.. though i lack the mechanics! hehe.. any papers for newbies like me on watermarking? thanx..

audio watermarking techniques-recent search

i'm still looking for the source code

svd sample code

I have a tutorial file for audio watermarking.
If u need then i upload it

water marking project+ thesis+matlab code

yes i needed..
did u have source audio watermarking and what algorithm used?? plizz share it to me??

audio watermarking matlab

konarkk,, plss.. really wanna know about it.. where do i get the tutorial?? thanx in advance..

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