Creating a Blog?

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I just did a test, and the possible culprit was found: When creating an entry in the Blog section using the left button it did not appear in the list, but only with the encircled button, at the right. Don't ask me why, really don't know.

Note that at the end of the edition, it is necessary to mark the option, 'submit' so that the article appears immediately among others after finishing.

If I understood you well, I will have to delete the blog I created first. Then I will re-create it by using the right button, right?

Not necessary to delete first, so ou could copy-paste the whole content. Anyway, please keep in mind that once the Blog section is less frequently used than the topics section, we're less familiar with its features as well as how to troubleshoot it.

Not necessary to delete first, so ou could copy-paste the whole content. Anyway, please keep in mind that once the Blog section is less frequently used than the topics section, we're less familiar with its features as well as how to troubleshoot it.

After all, there is nothing urgent.
Now, I try just to edit the actual blog by posting a new entry and check "Post as update".
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Ooops, my new post which, I thought, will be posted in my blog seems to be considered as a new blog. And is is listed on three lists! on the columns of "NEW POSTS", NEW THREADS and 'NEW BLOG ENTRIES'.
I wish it could be deleted because I cannot do it.
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I deleted it.
So, I have to re-start from the beginning and ignore the left button of 'Create blog' (I guess this bug will be fixed soon, unless there are no more contacts with the EDAboard developers).
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After I was able to create a blog with the same title and let it be listed. I had the idea, to save space, to delete the older unlisted one. By doing this everything was deleted even with the added comment.
I gave up

I can see it there at the top of the list as the most recent entry, the one titled Delta Sinewave Synthesis (DSS) and its Simple Hardware

Perhaps you saw and opened it before I deleted the unlisted one.
When I delete the unlisted one (to save space), the TWO blogs, the old one (unlisted) and the new one (listed) were both deleted completely. And this retuned me to zero square.

I hope what happened to me will lead soon to fix (by a volunteer developer) the bug related to the 'Create blog' button (which doesn't create a real listed blog) and the bug related to the 'Post entry' button (which shouldn't create a new blog).

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