Cooperative Underwater Acoustic

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Advanced Member level 1
Jan 21, 2011
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What can be done for a cooperative system for underwater acoustic communications? any thoughts?


Do you refer to an acoustic transmit/receive link for voice transmission underwater? What does cooperative mean in this context?

I would expect situations with a direct acoustic path and indirect reflected paths that will be unstable in magnitude, phase and delay.
Perhaps you could take a page out of HF ionospheric RF communications, as that same link description could apply.
If you have a lot of time on your hands, you could implement some kind of RAKE system to try and use alternate paths to your advantage.

Perhaps analog means would suffice on the other end of the complexity scale.
Simplest might be the equivalent of a bullhorn running from a throat mike, sending end only.

Lots of choices in between, including analog modulation of a carrier and many digital schemes.

More information would be helpful.

Thanks for replying. Actually, cooperative means cooperative diversity, where there is a relay that helping the source in communicating with the destination. The idea is that we need to break the direct link between the source and the destination into smaller links for higher data rates and more reliable systems. Any idea in this direction?

Very interesting.
Do your resourses match an ambitious development or are you looking for a more limited implementation?

Very interesting.
Do your resourses match an ambitious development or are you looking for a more limited implementation?

What do you mean? I am just working theoretically now, and I need something specific for underwater

I meant that as an individual embarking on such a project, I would be much less ambitious than as part of a team.
You can implement a far more complex system when you have more man-years to spend on it.

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