Controlling a robot using FM through a PC

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Member level 2
Dec 2, 2003
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inductor 330ph

hii guys

i hav made my first bot and want to make it wireless.i hav a PIC controller board for controlling motors and the bot is controlled frm a computer.
now for making wireless i hav 2 use some RF modules but i cannot afford i was thinking of using FM modules because that is is it possible 2 control bot frm a pc usin FM?can anyone help me with schematic or sumthin????????? 8)

Re: wireless control

Try this very simple 433MHz transceiver

Re: wireless control

Hi vfone.

I quite interest with the sch that you posted. Can U share the referance link for this.

I need more information.


Re: wireless control

Here are not too many things to say. Super-regenerative receiver was invented 50 years ago, and the transmitter is a simple modulated oscillator.
A very close schematic (using a crystal on the TX path) was published while ago in Elektor.
This is the link:


Re: wireless control

Dear VFone:

this is a really easy to build!!, it's great (the first one).
i think, there are two values missing

- in the regenerative, the Inductor near the transistor is 330pH or the capacitor is 330pF???

-And in the data sender, the other inductor is a RF choke?

Thanks for your information!.

Re: wireless control

-In the RX side, the value is 330pF (capacitor). The emitter inductor is a RF choke.
-In the TX side, the missing inductor value is a RF choke.

Re: wireless control

Any one has try this circuit? What is the result?

wireless control

Thanks,I am going to try this circuit. Will keep you posted.

Re: wireless control

i.m ask what is the best for long distance like 100m 433mhz control or 27mhz
i want to use it in remote control extender and where i can found tranciver to this circuit

Re: wireless control

For 100m every 433mHz transceiver works very well, but, is much simple build a 27mhz than a 433mhz , my scope is only 100Mhz BW .

Re: wireless control

no problem in the build i only ask for best in any frequency for long distance
i will use it for remote control extender
if u have any circuit for that

Re: wireless control

You don't use a SCOPE to tune a 433 Mhz circuit ..There are other techniques .
if you apply a scope probe to a RF circuit will introduce capacitance and this will affect the behavior of your circuit .. There are other techniques to deal with high frequency debugging .And they don't need to be very expensive .

Re: wireless control

i know Elton, but is the only thing what i got in my house

wireless control

what's the relaytionship between the distance and the Hz ?anyone can tell me ?

Re: wireless control

With the same output power, if you increase frequency, you will increase the path loss, so using a receptor with the same sensitivity, you will reach less distance.
Is this clear to you?

Re: wireless control

had anyone tried this circuit?? i've built it but it doesn't work.. on the RX side the LED is always on! while on the TX side LED only goes on when the signal is given.. i've checked all the connections and everything.. still no use! is there any problem in the circuit or it is supposed to remain on? or i've made any mistake? plz help!

Re: wireless control

there are different ways to make wirless comm
but you should first determine some things
such as
carrier freq u are targetting
modulation type you seek
max communication distance you want
level of implemetation you want (you will use offshelfIC's to build your system or you may use an alreday built modules)

there are various IC's from different vendors doing so also there are RF MC's
note also
as the ferquency gets larger you will suffer more to make testing and to overcome
many issues that will appear at high frequency

Re: wireless control


Added after 4 minutes:

hi eltonjohn,
can you elaborate more on the debugging techniques..

Re: wireless control

newnewnewnew1 said:
no problem in the build i only ask for best in any frequency for long distance
i will use it for remote control extender
if u have any circuit for that

It depends in your modulation and the location of usage, but in general, lower frequencies, but not so low, can be transmitted longer. the problem is that lower frequency needs longer antenna. consider FM and AM radios, the FM ones have smaller covering site.


Re: wireless control

Try the rentron TXLC-434 and RXLC-434 modules. (rentron = Reynold Electronics)
They aren't that expensive and their website also contains some more information about interfacing them with PIC microcontrollers.

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