Conneting ATMEL 8051 to LCD

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Newbie level 4
Mar 21, 2006
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atmel 8051 evaluation board with lcd

Hey!! I have some problem conneting my ATMEL 8051 kit to an LCD.. The LCD seems to be workin well but the program i write does not seem to get transferred.. I mean i have checked the program and it seems to be perfect but I am not gettin any output in the LCD.. Do we need to initialise it?? The LCD we use is a DMC 16249 and the kit is a EDS 8051 ATMEL kit..??

before sending any message to lcd you jave to initialize it. if u have initialized , and even then if u don't get any display try sending the command DISPLAY ON CURSOR OFF to the lcd.

anyhow check the contrast adjustments and wiring. make R/W pin ZERO.

DMC 16249 is based on HD44780 controller. Read more about using the controller here.
If you post the code, then someone in this forum could suggest a cure. It is possible to have not initialized properly the display but you can have some problem if your software relies on delays rather than reading busy bit. There are a lot of reasons for which you're not being able to see some charaters on display, even hardware ones (wires, VEE).
You should provide more details like i.e. if you are able to see all characters appearing like black rectangles or the display is completely blank. Or if you drive the display in 8-bit or 4-bit mode.
I know that you're in rush but I don't believe that someone here can help you only based on your description about what LCD and evaluation kit are you using.

pradyu77 said:
The LCD seems to be workin well

What makes you think is working well. According to your experience why you blame the software and not the harware which "seems working well". Did you used the display in another software-hardware configuration and refuses to work now for current one ?

hey thanx a lot for the replies.. yes i can see black rectangles on the lcd.. i can see 32 black rectangles since its a 16*2 LCD.. will upload the code soon..

HD44780 alpha numeric displays operate either in 4-bit or 8-bit mode and u will find a lot of stuff to check if the lcd is working or not? When u check the serviceability of the LCD then u can interface it with the mirco..

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