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conformal antenna design

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1,482 to design conformal antennas with HFSS?
the conformal antenna that i'm trying to simulate is 4square patch on the cylinderical surface.(coax feed)
how can i fit this patch on the substrate?

hi.I'm using this article:
Design and Studie on Non-planar Conformal Patch Antennas for Air-born Vehicles.
(Anand Selvin.S, Bharathi Ravi.K, G.S.Darwino, Harishankar.R, Jitha.R and Jaya Kumar.M)
in this article u can find all information.


    Points: 2
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    Points: 2
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    Points: 2
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hi.I'm using this article:
Design and Studie on Non-planar Conformal Patch Antennas for Air-born Vehicles.
(Anand Selvin.S, Bharathi Ravi.K, G.S.Darwino, Harishankar.R, Jitha.R and Jaya Kumar.M)
in this article u can find all information.
hi, I can't find this paper. Could you pls send me a link to download or support me with the Journal title?

View attachment arc_0423_2.rar desired magnetic field distribution.jpgmagnetic field.jpg
hi fereshteh, please see the attachments. I'd like to simulate a conformal microstrip coil with hfss which resonates at 128MHz for MRI.
It is side fed and tuned and matched with lumped LRCs.
At first, the circuit is short seen from smith chart. I changed the grid settings and curved object visualization, elements in the model are mostly created using sweep and rotate. I have check the model carefully and its runs without warning.
However, it seems that the magnetic field results indicated that little energy had been transmitted into the p@tch, and most aggregated at the excitation part. I have tried meshing the tiny parts in the model but without improvement:???:.
The ideal magnetic field is what look like in the attachment "desired magnetic field".
Could you please help me to see what's wrong with the model? or different model methods?
FYI, the file was created with hfss 13.0, and the dimensions of the p@tch are given for prostate MRI.
View attachment novel multi-channel transmission line coil for high field MRI.pdf
please see the attachment. After changing the solution frequency from 500MHz to 128MHz, it seems that the magnetic field getting better.
And i am tuning it right now.
People tell me that higher solution frequency bring finer mesh and more accurate results. As the resonate frequency is 128MHz, which solution frequency you think is best?
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