Communication UART KRIA KV260


May 31, 2023
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I would like to make a UART communication on my Xilinx board. In fact I looked at a lot of forums but nothing helped me or it was too old because instead of the SDK now there is Vitis. So I'd like to do UART communication on my card, i.e. send data internally on TX and receive data or a sentence internally on RX on a terminal, but all the designs in Vivado I've made haven't worked. If any of you would like to help me, please do!

Have a nice day!

you don’t need sdk to create a uart. there are thousands of examples out there. just do a search like “VHDL UART”

Just saying ‘what I’ve made doesn’t work’ is a useless comment.

For the Kria the UART is already built in. This is the nearest I could find that you might find helpful.
See the last sentence under 'Introduction' for the above project.

Some others simple projects using Kria to get started:

See the project from You can use a similar concept to build your own UART, use same Pmod port, and just use two pins of it, one for UART rx and the other for UART tx . Connect it externally using a simple wire, and you can snd out UART data and receive them on the board.

The Kria is really meant for experienced developers for heavy duty tasks. Probably that is why you do not have a Hello World example design using UART communication anywhere on the internet.
If you are an experienced engineer, you should be able to figure out yourself how to use the Kria to deploy your design using the examples available on the internet. If you are a young professional in this domain, this is NOT the best board to begin with!
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That's a good point. I would also recommend consulting the official Xilinx documentation

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