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Command Control Car Parking System

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Newbie level 2
Newbie level 2
May 1, 2011
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Hy, Friends i am new here and want to share my Project with you guys i face some problems in it so i make this thread for resolving the problems. First i try to explain my project then discuss related problem hope many of you here are pretty expert with Micro Controller and Analog to Digital converters which are the important part of my project.

Command Control Car Parking System by using Micro Controller 89C51

Component List:

LCD 16X4

Detail Project Description:

Project task is to make a car parking reserve only for 5 cars with the control system. Control system means when the first car arrive at car parking gate it says the word OPEN by using mic the Signal for the word open is generated remember here the gate is only open if the driver says the word open other wise all other signals rejected. After that the generated signal for open through the mic which was Analog Signal this signal receive by Analog to digital Converter ( we use ADC0804 ) after that converted signal in digitized form receive by Micro Controller ( we use ATML89C51 ). When the Micro Controller recognize the signal through programming it's give the logic 1 to Stepper motor for opening the gate when the car enter the gate closed. Similarly when the gate open the car enters in the parking area its cross between IR sensor and the LCD in the parking area indicates 1 means one car park in the Parking. This procedure repeat untill the five cars arrived LCD counted all 5 cars. When the sixth car arrive and driver say open nothing happens only LCD indicated that PARKING FULL

Related Problems:

1- How we can make Analog to Digital Conversion only for the word Open.
2- Required Programming in Assembly language for ADC0804 & stepper motor for this project

I hope this can explain many things about this project if you required any thing i try to provide and i also discuss if we face some other problems kindly give your ideas on every thing which you know better about this project.


for 1st problem:
1. Either use HM2007 speech ercognition IC or use speech to text converter in VB software.
2. Instead of assembly go for C program, or visit - The Online 8051/8052 Microcontroller Resource - and get the source code for them or do a search in the forum.. code is already posted many years it is being posted again and again...............
Thanks for your useful reply i have HM2007 but don't know how to use it 2nd is can you explain VB shortly? What is the purpose of this software ?

if you have the HM2007, you need to train the IC using an circuit.

see **broken link removed**

they have the kit for that, or you get data sheet for that which you can rig up and use it.......

vb is visual basic is a software, where you may have to program it for using it...

i suggest you to go with HM2007....

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