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coding of microcontroller At89C51 in VB

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Newbie level 2
Newbie level 2
Nov 7, 2010
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hi i need help...can this micro controller AT89C51 be coded in VB6.0.

serial port connection is done and in VB from coding is done, dont know if micro controller can be coded in VB 6.0. dont wana code in C or assembly and if yes then how it can be coded in VB6.0.

thanx guys

AT89C51 cannot be coded with VB6.

Google something like "basic compiler for 8051" (without the quotes) to find out what BASIC compilers are available.

thanx but m still confused if i code in vb and decompile it in assembly and burn the hex file through ponyprog software??? i got to know that code can be written in any langauge like AVR, C , VB, hex file is burnt in Microcontroller through ponyprog software:/ if u can tell me exact solution what should i do??? :(

there is a very popular software called Keil IDE in which you can done coding for 8051 Microcontrollers (In your case 89C51). that software will create a hex file according to your code written and that hex file can be downloaded in to your microcontroller. you can program both in C as well as in assembly. you cannot do coding of 89c51 in VB (but you can send data to serial port of the 89c51 using vb when serial port of 89c51 is connected to your PC) .

thanx but m still confused if i code in vb and decompile it in assembly and burn the hex file through ponyprog software??? i got to know that code can be written in any langauge like AVR, C , VB, hex file is burnt in Microcontroller through ponyprog software:/ if u can tell me exact solution what should i do??? :(
got to wonder whether that is seriously a question ? The previous post gave you the answer.
vb is Visual Basic for Micisoft you see Micisoft Windows running on your AT89C51 ?? If you do, then you must also see fairies, fair dinkum:smile:
If you are only capable with vb, and you want some embedded system, then you should be looking at "embedded pc". Google that term, plenty of just buy it solutions.

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