Circuit Diagram Explanation

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Newbie level 4
Jan 24, 2012
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Hi Guys,

Could anyone just give me a quick paragraph explaining how this circuit operates?

Any help much appreciated, thanks!

It sure would help if you told us what IC1 is. My best guess is that it's a neutrino beam modulator or a flux capacitor.

opps, its a PICAXE 18m2, task is to program it to move an electric actuator

Wait a minute; first you ask us how the circuit operates, and then you tell us you are supposed to program it. That means that the circuit works the way YOU PROGRAM IT TO!

All we can tell you is that: You have 5 inputs, 3 open-collector outputs, and some other signals which are labelled as outputs. Oh yeah, it also looks like you've got an I2C interface and another serial interface.

We need more information. Maybe tell us what's connected to all those signals.

Yep fair enough lol, what you've given me so far is great thanks, I'm sort of filling in blanks, which is what I should do with you lol, heres the task if that makes anything any clearer:

Rig controls.
Output B3 – Motor on / off / speed. Low off.
High on.
Output B0 – Motor direction. Low up.
High down.
Output B2 – Fault light. Low off.
High on.
Input C0 – Actuator feedback.
Actuator position 5 Actuator position 15 Actuator position 50 Actuator position 85 Actuator position 95
bits 11 bits 35 bits 114 bits 197 bits 221

Control instructions
1) Move the actuator to between position 85 & 95 then wait 5 seconds.
2) Move the actuator to position 55 then wait 5 seconds.
3) Move the actuator to between position 5 & 15 then wait five seconds.
4) Move the actuator to position 55 then wait 5 seconds.
5) Repeat steps 1) to 4) 3 times.

I'm assuming inputs c0,c1,c2,c6 and c7 are from your encoder(actuator position)? What I THINK you want to do is:
1) determine your present location based on the encoder feedback.
2) Set B0 to move the motor in the appropriate direction
3) Output a PWM signal on B3 to move the motor at your desired speed.
4) When the actuator input equals your desired location, stop the motor,
5) Etc.

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