Choice of software for RF amplifire/oscillaror design

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A new in-expensive microwave circuit design software (for educational, hobby, amateur, and even professional purposes), Pep, with similar format to Puff is available. Pep can run in any internet browsers installed with Java Virtual Machine independent of operating systems. The trial version and subscribed copy for 1-year license period of Pep can be available from: . You can have a look at that! Here we also attach our trial version for your reference (trial license expires on 1/1/2010). We will update and extend the trial period for your free test from times to times.

Its use is similar to Puff. When you unzip the file, you can put it under some folder of your PC. Then you find there are 0_Pep_trial.html, pep.gif, Pep.jar, and a folder (directory) called pep_ckts. To start Pep, you can click on 0_Pep_trial.html, and then run password by clicking a license file under the directory called pep_ckts. After Mwboard layout window appears, you can click on any netlist (placed under the same directory with that license file). You can find brief help menu inside Pep. Later I will put the help manual here, or you can leave your request from our website Please come visit and support us often and help us make contributions to RF/microwave community with good software! Thanks a lot!

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