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Cheapest temperature sensor

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Full Member level 3
Mar 1, 2012
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I want to use a temperature sensor circuit to one of my boards. The temperature range is from -40-150°C. I am looking really for the cheapest solution, it could be an IC, thermistor e.t.c what I am really concern is the price. Until now I've found LMT87DCKR from TI for 0.52$/30 pieces and NTCS0402E3104JHT thermistor for 0.17$/30 pieces is there any cheaper alternative?

Thermistors are the most cheapest one. If you want to spend less than 0.17$ I think you should look for shop near to you. Ordering online adds a little cost. I found this deal a pretty good one in **broken link removed**.

Keep in mind that you have to account not only the sensor itself, but the circuitry required to interface with it.

Keep in mind that you have to account not only the sensor itself, but the circuitry required to interface with it.

For the thermistor in its simplest form you only need a resistor to build a voltage divider so the difference is not so big.

Cheap must be defined in the context of the total quantity you plan to purchase and the cost for your time to design one with non-linear responses.

LM75 is a linear sensor that is easy to use. Whereas all hospitals use diodes for disposable sensors for cheapest solution using -? mV/'C Shockley Effect but low voltage and Thermostats use thermistors whose cost is in between but can be made linear over the desired limited range.

Cheap must be defined in the context of the total quantity you plan to purchase and the cost for your time to design one with non-linear responses.

LM75 is a linear sensor that is easy to use. Whereas all hospitals use diodes for disposable sensors for cheapest solution using -? mV/'C Shockley Effect but low voltage and Thermostats use thermistors whose cost is in between but can be made linear over the desired limited range.

I think too that the diode approach is probably the cheapest one but I am not really sure about the linearity over my temperature range.

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