Cheap/Free RTOS for 8051 ?

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freertos 8051

Thanks 4 nice reply ...
In case of freertos problem is ... i am using Philips 8051 ... and also it looks a bit complex for big applications
In case of salvo of pumpkin ... it is a bit expensive ...

......... actually i am looking for an RTOS of price 100$ to 200$ maximum ... and capable for mature and hard applications


options i feel are ...
UcLinux .........
PaulOS ..........
any else .................... wht u say?

options like Ucos, Ecos looks attractive in features but ... expensive


I am talking about RTOS for handheld devices ....

need suggestion ............... thanks

8051 os

dainis said:
It is good joke about uClinux on 8051 !
Also for PaulOS,eCos, ....

Look this:

but i like this jokes. if can run in uCLinux oh good i love that's guy

free rtos 8051

thanks for nice response and willl try your solution ... but need more info about that ... is it better to use is in a product ? etc

free rtos for 8051

Smart Pioneer said:
thanks for nice response and willl try your solution ... but need more info about that ... is it better to use is in a product ? etc

Usually people will choose :

and if they using Keil compiler they will choose RTX

and middle class is Salvo.

All depend on your chips. How large the memory and space. So it's need to more detail your classification

small rtos

for 8051 the best option is RTX tiny OS come with keil,it is very easy and Keil support it. try it

uclinux freertos
freertos has been ported to many mcu.
arm 51 avr ....
so fast any easy to use.

rtos for 8051


One small rtos for 8051 available, you can search on for "small rtos 8051" related keywords.

also for ARM7.

Keil has a 8051 rtos that is called RTX51 Tiny

it is only 900 bytes and covers important (not all) RTOS features needed (putting in mind limited resources of 8051!!)

Note: I know it is an old thread but I added the information in case some one got here from google as I did

Basically for any type of plattform ucos-ii will support
and also it is easy to get every thing in google
once check this websitte

I saw a simple example in Keil directory, RTOS for MCS51

i recall we did the same search before and we ended up using ckernel , its a very tiny kernel written in C and ported to 8051. have a loot at it

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