CATALYTIC MCS: tool for synthesizing Matlab language into C

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Advanced Member level 4
Feb 22, 2002
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Very often a lot of people ask if there is a way to produce C code from MATLAB
Well yes and no .Matlab the product also includes SIMULINK .And from this modular simulation enviroment is possible to PRODUCE C equivalent code .
But not directly from MATLAB the language .You have to code by hand the equivalent algorithms .There is a compiler with matlab(mcc -t file) that allows to generate some c code .but this one uses the matlab's matrix internal representation .And this code only is useful to be linked to MATLAB provided libs that allow ypu to create stand alone applications of PCs or workstations .To port this code to a different plataform .Then becomes messy ,cause you have to get rid of all the MATLAB internals.
Until,there is a new tool that will be able to sythesise MATLAB language into C directly .The name is CATALYTIC MCS :

**broken link removed**

and for hardware synthesis CALAYTIC RMS:
**broken link removed**

My mouth is already salivting like when Homer Simpson looks at a donut

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You have any benchmark for its effeciency ? ..

My big worry is that most code converters are poor and produce just CAOS that has to be hand tailored by engineers to get something up and kicking .. some fast engineers prefer to start from the very beinging .. sometimes starting from the very begining spends less time than converting ..

matlab to c converter software

Dear eltonjohn,
I dont think that CATALYTIC RMS compiler is free of cost.
So if someone has this then please upload otherwise in general people use mcc command
i think CATALYTIC RMS will be a nice tool so if you have some contacts then arrange it and upload on this forum.


matlab to c conversion

The foucs on this software may be only work for DSP (yes, we are in DSP topic)

actually, RTW is quite enough in general work.
I have used Real Time OS QNX with OPAL-RT that take asdvantage of RTW to build C code on Linux from Simulink.

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Can anybody please upload any free MATLAB to C converter software.
Yes we all know that mcc is there but it would be really nice if someone upload a good matlab to C Converter.
And to Omara, Yes you are right that the code converter tools doesn't give a good code but these can serve as a good jump start and definitly these depend upon how good your matlab code is and also it depends upon the software quality of Code converters..

Please someone upload any useful tool. It will be very beneficial for students who intend to make small assignments and also their projects/thesis..... which, i dont think, will require much sophisticated software architetural issues.


matlab to c code converter

I have experience on converting Matalab to C. I will say, it is better to convert it manually instead of using any converter. By using converter, it is pretty mess. And when come to the debugging time, I can't really understand what is going on. This is just my comments.

matlab c converter

Dear cwjcwjcwj
I have already written that Matlab to C conversion is not efficient for projects. But it's only worthwhile for class projects or assignments.
Definitly debugging, optimizations, modifications and code maintenance in projects will be impossible if we use matlab to C converted code.


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I am performing OFDM in DSPs.

If i code in Matlab using the fft and ifft functions, when i convert it to C and download it to the DSP, will it perform the same way as compared to directly programming FFT and IFFT in C to the DSP? (Assuming the efficiency is irrelevant)

matlab to c conversion software

I think instead of discussing all this if someone really have a Matlab to C converter then he should upload so that we can compare it with Matlab C converter. I have developed a code on Super Resolution in MATLAB and then i converted it in C and when i saw the C code it was totally unreadable although it was working fine and giving the same results as that of MATLAB. I doubt if such code is useful for DSP so i am redesigning My code in DSP C style.


free matlab to c converter


Remmeber the rules and do not request software that is not free.
Next request=warning and/or ban.


catalytic function library and mcs download

who can share this tool?


convert matlab to c for download


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