Career Advice is required

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Newbie level 2
Feb 21, 2009
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DEar Professionals,
I am an undergraduate dtudent of Electronics Engineering in Pakistan.I have passion for Wireless Technologies and RFIC etc but unfortunately there is no RF company in Pakistan.
I am trying to learn all basic and MUST software tools like ADS,AMDS,Microwave office ,HFSS,XFDTD,System overview.I havnt got any one but I am struggling to get these basic softwares.I will do my FYP in RFIC and I will try to learn all basics that are required from a RFIC designer during my stay at University(15 months left).I will try my best to expertise in CONTROL,COMMUNICATION,SOFTWARE,MATHEMATICS that are basics for RFIC design.
But there is a problem.There is no RFIC company in Pakistan and USA companies does not hire from Pakistan.My destination is Qualcomm ,but Qualcomm standard is far higher.
I think the best option is to get experience in some small RFIC design company and apply Qualcomm based on this experience.
But I wonder How i access and get in some intermediate small RFIC company being in Pakistan?Icant afford accomodation ,travel to foreign countries in search of Job and it is unlikely that they hire me because i have nothing VERY SPECIAL.
You are more exxperienced ,please advice.

Hi friend...
U can apply for masters programme in Sweden as there is no fees to study here.

Have a great future.There are so many pakistanis students too in wireless field.


My general advice to students is to do things you enjoy. You may not become as wealth as you would doing other things, but you will be very happy and contented, something that money cannot buy.

Hi frend,

I know the feeling of this one. I do have a masters degree in the microelectronics (Analog/RFIC Design) but the job market in our field out there is very weak. Hopefully global economy will improve in the coming months. Goodluck to all of us.


You are a undergraduate student and you know so much software in this area, in fact I have only used a few of them you counted. I have only moved to this area recently . I think you will success in the end

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