can we use GSM PA and OSC for our transmitter design ?

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Junior Member level 3
Dec 22, 2001
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hi all

can we use GSM PA and OSC for our transmitter design ?
have a idea ? because gsm PAs are very cheap and powerful
2W at 900mhz but i dont know how much db is the gain ans osc
control system is it vco ? if yes it is very easy to use gms pa and
osc ?

you question is not so clear

but you can check for RF 3108 (GSM/PCS/DCS)
or other GSM PA.many manufactures use VCO directly drive PA
to get a 2W output.

what is your target platform. The linearity of GSM PA is not very good. You can only use those for GSM or AMPS(FM) modulation. For the other popular applications such as CMDA or TDMA phones, you have no way to use.

no,it is not easy to can build your own,many company have rf amp modles,and is very easy to use.try:
**broken link removed**
to find what you want.

gsm pa and osc


i want to use because this part are very cheap here and
easly available. i know there are perfect rf components from
motorola mitsubishi hitachi rfm etc... but they are not cheap and
i couldn find they easyly. if there is a vco what is the hard part of
use it for a local osc ?
i think to use PA for digital transmitter like a 433 mhz ism band
remote control or toy control transmitter but more powerful

thanks for the answers

You can use GSM PA if you want to. FSK does not require any linearity from PA.

PA is a kind of foot/hands in RF system, osc is a kind of heart power, and transceiver plays a role in connecting them which is also very important.

GSM PA : 1.5$

You can build only FM or similer transmitters with GSM PA module, for AM or other linear modulation schemes you have to use a linear or linearised amplifier.

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