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Can we perform this math calculation directly using fx-570W?

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Advanced Member level 1
Advanced Member level 1
Nov 29, 2005
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Can we perform the following calculation:


... directly using Casio fx-570W scientific calculator?

Can we perform the calculation above directly using Matlab?


Re: Can we perform this math calculation directly using fx-5

i don't have that calculator.. but i have normal engineering calculator casio fx 991MS ... yeah i can do that operation

the ans i got is 44.14 - 18.86i

i think if ur cal have option for complex number than no doubt it can perform that task


fx-991MS or fx-570MS is more advanced compared to fx-991W or fx-570W respectively. For fx-991W or fx-570W, I could not find a way to input the number in polar form (e.g. the numerator of the expression shown in the figure in my first post).

Re: Can we perform this math calculation directly using fx-5

hysamir said:
i don't have that calculator.. but i have normal engineering calculator casio fx 991MS ... yeah i can do that operation

the ans i got is 44.14 - 18.86i

i think if ur cal have option for complex number than no doubt it can perform that task


I have fx992s and this complex support is _very_ limited in edge to unusable compare to my old hp42s. fx992s support only four-function (+-/*) for complex numbers, not more and uses in special mode with no usable storing register for value in calculating process .

product also missing very basic level function as square root from negativ or complex number and still call for 'complex' support in boxes!!!! ghaaaa!!!

Is very disappointing on CASIO:s product and still look after good and small size replacement on my old hp42s for every day using in my job.


Possibly off topic, but on hp42s is very easy to handle complex numbers and for example:

240 |_ 30
3 + i4


shift mode -> pol ; select view/input in polar form
240 <enter>
shift complex ; make 240 |_ 30 complex number in polar form
shift mode -> rec ; view/input in rectangular mode and above numbers views now 207.85 +i120 in rectangular form on display
3 <enter>
shift complex ; make 3+i4
/ ;division between above complex number pair
and answer is 44.14 -i18.86 in rectangular mode or 48.0 |_ -23.13 degree in polar

this answer makes around 5-6 sec typing on button if familary on hp42s...

hp42s calculate automatic in complex mode if result needed this, and complex argument working on all math functions without exeption (ie give complex result on asin(2) and full complex support on all hyperbolic functions), and also in matrix and linear solvers.

Is no problem handle for example 3+i4 * [4 x 4] real matrix and give result on complex [4 x 4] matrix or using sqrt, log, lin operations etc. on complex matrices in hp42s

And _I_ want this type of small calculator with full complex handling simular hp42S, without exeption in all math functions, matrices, RPN etc. from CASIO, TI, HP now year 2006!! - hp42S builds on 1988, and now 18 years later, small calculator still very simple with very basic math on scalar level or rare case, hard to using and limited complex mode or very big, power hungry, heavy machine not fitting shirt pocket and uses to everything exept math-work by designed for...


You can try above example on free42, open source hp42S simulator and picking up from


I have free42-simulator both on my laptop and palm-T to replace my, still working hp42S in work-life - depend of impossible to buy replacement 'real' hp42S in this days. - but I still want a real machine with real buttons...

If people in freetime can written simulate program near exact copy of hp42S in functionality, why not HP can make a real machine with ARM, memory card, high quality button in small shirt pocket size???


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